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G. R. Fink
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2007) 19 (4): 658–670.
Published: 01 April 2007
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Reorienting of visuospatial attention can be investigated by comparing reaction times to validly and invalidly cued targets (“validity effect”). The cholinergic agonist nicotine reduces the validity effect and neural activity in the posterior parietal cortex. Behavioral effects of nicotine in nonsmokers are weak and it has been suggested that differences in baseline behavior before nicotine exposure may influence the effect of nicotine. This study investigates whether individual differences in reorienting-related neural activity under placebo may be used to predict individual nicotine effects. Individual nicotine effects are defined as the behavioral effects under nicotine that cannot be predicted by the behavioral data under placebo. Fifteen nonsmoking subjects were given either placebo or nicotine gum (2 mg) prior to performing a cued target detection task inside a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. The results of a partial least square analysis suggest that neural data under placebo can be used to predict individual behavioral effects of nicotine. Neural activity in the left posterior cingulate cortex, the right superior parietal cortex, the right dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, and the left ventral medial prefrontal cortex significantly contributes to that prediction. We conclude that nicotine effects on reorienting attention depend on individual differences in reorienting-related neural activity under placebo and suggest that functional magnetic resonance imaging data can contribute to the prediction of individual drug effects.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (2): 258–266.
Published: 01 February 2006
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Four-dot masking is a new form of visual masking that does not involve local contour interactions or spatial superimposition of the target stimulus and the mask (as, e.g., in pattern or metacontrast masking). Rather, the effective masking mechanism is based on object substitution. Object substitution masking occurs when low-level visual information representations are altered before target identification through iterative interaction with high-level visual processing stages has been completed. Interestingly, object substitution interacts with attention processes: Strong masking effects are observed when attentional orientation toward the target location is delayed. In contrast, no masking occurs when attention can be rapidly shifted to and engaged onto the target location. We investigated the neural basis of object substitution masking by studying the interaction of spatial attention and masking processes using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Behavioral data indicated a two-way interaction between the factors Spatial Attention (valid vs. invalid cueing) and Masking (four-dot vs. pattern masking). As expected, spatial attention improved performance more strongly during object substitution masking. Functional correlates of this interaction were found in the primary visual cortex, higher visual areas, and left intraparietal sulcus. A region-of-interest analysis in these areas revealed that the largest blood oxygenation level-dependent signal changes occurred during effective four-dot masking. In contrast, the weakest signal changes in these areas were observed when target visibility was highest. The data suggest that these areas represent an object substitution network dedicated to the generation and testing of a perceptual hypotheses as described by the object substitution theory of masking of Di-Lollo et al. [Competition for consciousness among visual events: The psychophysics of reentrant visual processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 129 , 481–507, 2000].
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2004) 16 (5): 817–827.
Published: 01 June 2004
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Taking the first-person perspective (1PP) centered upon one's own body as opposed to the third-person perspective (3PP), which enables us to take the viewpoint of someone else, is constitutive for human self-consciousness. At the underlying representational or cognitive level, these operations are processed in an egocentric reference frame, where locations are represented centered around another person's (3PP) or one's own perspective (1PP). To study 3PP and 1PP, both operating in egocentric frames, a virtual scene with an avatar and red balls in a room was presented from different camera viewpoints to normal volunteers (n = 11) in a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. The task for the subjects was to count the objects as seen either from the avatar's perspective (3PP) or one's own perspective (1PP). The scene was presented either from a ground view (GV) or an aerial view (AV) to investigate the effect of view on perspective taking. The factors perspective (3PP vs. 1PP) and view (GV vs. AV) were arranged in a two-factorial way. Reaction times were increased and percent correctness scores were decreased in 3PP as opposed to 1PP. To detect the neural mechanisms associated with perspective taking, functional magnetic resonance imaging was employed. Data were analyzed using SPM'99 in each subject and non-parametric statistics on the group level. Activations common to 3PP and 1PP (relative to baseline) were observed in a network of occipital, parietal, and prefrontal areas. Deactivations common to 3PP and 1PP (relative to baseline) were observed predominantly in mesial (i.e., parasagittal) cortical and lateral superior temporal areas bilaterally. Differential increases of neural activity were found in mesial superior parietal and right premotor cortex during 3PP (relative to 1PP), whereas differential increases during 1PP (relative to 3PP) were found in mesial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, and superior temporal cortex bilaterally. The data suggest that in addition to joint neural mechanisms, for example, due to visuospatial processing and decision making, 3PP and 1PP rely on differential neural processes. Mesial cortical areas are involved in decisional processes when the spatial task is solved from one's own viewpoint, whereas egocentric operations from another person's perspective differentially draw upon cortical areas known to be involved in spatial cognition.