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Gemma A. Calvert
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2003) 15 (1): 57–70.
Published: 01 January 2003
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Speech is perceived both by ear and by eye. Unlike heard speech, some seen speech gestures can be captured in stilled image sequences. Previous studies have shown that in hearing people, natural time-varying silent seen speech can access the auditory cortex (left superior temporal regions). Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the present study explored the extent to which this circuitry was activated when seen speech was deprived of its time-varying characteristics. In the scanner, hearing participants were instructed to look for a prespecified visible speech target sequence (“voo” or “ahv”) among other monosyllables. In one condition, the image sequence comprised a series of stilled key frames showing apical gestures (e.g., separate frames for “v” and “oo” [from the target] or “ee” and “m” [i.e., from nontarget syllables]). In the other condition, natural speech movement of the same overall segment duration was seen. In contrast to a baseline condition in which the letter “V” was superimposed on a resting face, stilled speech face images generated activation in posterior cortical regions associated with the perception of biological movement, despite the lack of apparent movement in the speech image sequence. Activation was also detected in traditional speech-processing regions including the left inferior frontal (Broca's) area, left superior temporal sulcus (STS), and left supramarginal gyrus (the dorsal aspect of Wernicke's area). Stilled speech sequences also generated activation in the ventral premotor cortex and anterior inferior parietal sulcus bilaterally. Moving faces generated significantly greater cortical activation than stilled face sequences, and in similar regions. However, a number of differences between stilled and moving speech were also observed. In the visual cortex, stilled faces generated relatively more activation in primary visual regions (V1/V2), while visual movement areas (V5/MT+) were activated to a greater extent by moving faces. Cortical regions activated more by naturally moving speaking faces included the auditory cortex (Brodmann's Areas 41/42; lateral parts of Heschl's gyrus) and the left STS and inferior frontal gyrus. Seen speech with normal time-varying characteristics appears to have preferential access to “purely” auditory processing regions specialized for language, possibly via acquired dynamic audiovisual integration mechanisms in STS. When seen speech lacks natural time-varying characteristics, access to speech-processing systems in the left temporal lobe may be achieved predominantly via action-based speech representations, realized in the ventral premotor cortex.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2002) 14 (7): 1064–1075.
Published: 01 October 2002
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In all signed languages used by deaf people, signs are executed in “sign space” in front of the body. Some signed sentences use this space to map detailed “real-world” spatial relationships directly. Such sentences can be considered to exploit sign space “topographically.” Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we explored the extent to which increasing the topographic processing demands of signed sentences was reflected in the differential recruitment of brain regions in deaf and hearing native signers of the British Sign Language. When BSL signers performed a sentence anomaly judgement task, the occipito-temporal junction was activated bilaterally to a greater extent for topographic than nontopo-graphic processing. The differential role of movement in the processing of the two sentence types may account for this finding. In addition, enhanced activation was observed in the left inferior and superior parietal lobules during processing of topographic BSL sentences. We argue that the left parietal lobe is specifically involved in processing the precise configuration and location of hands in space to represent objects, agents, and actions. Importantly, no differences in these regions were observed when hearing people heard and saw English translations of these sentences. Despite the high degree of similarity in the neural systems underlying signed and spoken languages, exploring the linguistic features which are unique to each of these broadens our understanding of the systems involved in language comprehension.