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Jennifer S. Rabin
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2024) 36 (3): 435–446.
Published: 01 March 2024
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Humans have the capacity to form new memories of events that are, at times, highly similar to events experienced in the past, as well as the capacity to integrate and associate new information within existing knowledge structures. The former process relies on mnemonic discrimination and is believed to depend on hippocampal pattern separation, whereas the latter is believed to depend on generalization signals and conceptual categorization supported by the neocortex. Here, we examine whether and how the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC) supports discrimination and generalization on a widely used task that was primarily designed to tax hippocampal processes. Ten individuals with lesions to the vMPFC and 46 neurotypical control participants were administered an adapted version of the mnemonic similarity task [Stark, S. M., Yassa, M. A., Lacy, J. W., & Stark, C. E. L. A task to assess behavioral pattern separation (BPS) in humans: Data from healthy aging and mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia , 51 , 2442–2449, 2013], which assesses the ability to distinguish previously learned images of everyday objects (targets) from unstudied, highly similar images (lures) and dissimilar images (foils). Relative to controls, vMPFC-lesioned individuals showed intact discrimination of lures from targets but a propensity to mistake studied targets and similar lures for dissimilar foils. This pattern was accompanied by inflated confidence despite low accuracy when responding to similar lures. These findings demonstrate a more general role of the vMPFC in memory retrieval, rather than a specific role in supporting pattern separation.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2010) 22 (6): 1095–1111.
Published: 01 June 2010
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There is an inconsistency regarding the relationship between thinking about personal past experiences during autobiographical memory (AM) and thinking about other people's mental states during theory of mind (ToM). Neuroimaging studies of AM and ToM consistently report overlap in the brain regions recruited. Lesion data, however, show that amnesic people with AM impairment can have intact ToM, suggesting that distinct neural mechanisms support these abilities [Rosenbaum, R. S., Stuss, D. T., Levine, B., & Tulving, E. Theory of mind is independent of episodic memory. Science, 318, 1257, 2007]. The current fMRI study examined the functional and neural correlates of remembering one's own experiences in response to personal photos (AM condition) and imagining others' experiences in response to strangers' photos (ToM condition). AM and ToM conditions were matched in terms of content and vividness, and were compared directly and to a common baseline. Analyses revealed common activity within frontal and temporal–parietal regions, yet midline structures exhibited greater activity during AM. More specific analyses of event construction and detail elaboration revealed unique activation of the right hippocampus during AM construction, and of lateral regions, such as the right temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) during ToM elaboration. Moreover, a region of left hippocampus/perirhinal cortex appeared to be driven by event vividness. Thus, differences in AM and ToM emerge when a common baseline is used and temporal dynamics are taken into account. Furthermore, the right TPJ and related lateral regions, and not the hippocampus, may be needed for ToM, given that this ability is intact in amnesic people.