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Jennifer T. Coull
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2023) 35 (5): 885–899.
Published: 01 May 2023
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Although the benefit of temporal predictability for behavior is long-established, recent studies provide evidence that knowing when an important event will occur comes at the cost of greater impulsivity. Here, we investigated the neural basis of inhibiting actions to temporally predictable targets using an EEG–EMG method. In our temporally cued version of the stop-signal paradigm (two-choice task), participants used temporal information delivered by a symbolic cue to speed their responses to the target. In a quarter of the trials, an auditory signal indicated that participants had to inhibit their actions. Behavioral results showed that although temporal cues speeded RTs, they also impaired the ability to stop actions as indexed by longer stop-signal reaction time. In line with behavioral benefits of temporal predictability, EEG data demonstrated that acting at temporally predictable moments facilitated response selection at the cortical level (reduced frontocentral negativity just before the response). Likewise, activity of the motor cortex involved in suppression of incorrect response hand was stronger for temporally predictable events. Thus, by keeping an incorrect response in check, temporal predictability likely enabled faster implementation of the correct response. Importantly, there was no effect of temporal cues on the EMG-derived index of online, within-trial inhibition of subthreshold impulses. This result shows that although participants were more prone to execute a fast response to temporally predictable targets, their inhibitory control was, in fact, unaffected by temporal cues. Altogether, our results demonstrate that greater impulsivity when responding to temporally predictable events is paralleled by enhanced neural motor processes involved in response selection and implementation rather than impaired inhibitory control.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2022) 34 (2): 273–289.
Published: 05 January 2022
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The brain can anticipate the time of imminent events to optimize sensorimotor processing. Yet, there can be behavioral costs of temporal predictability under situations of response conflict. Here, we sought to identify the neural basis of these costs and benefits by examining motor control processes in a combined EEG–EMG study. We recorded electrophysiological markers of response activation and inhibition over motor cortex when the onset-time of visual targets could be predicted, or not, and when responses necessitated conflict resolution, or not. If stimuli were temporally predictable but evoked conflicting responses, we observed increased intertrial consistency in the delta range over the motor cortex involved in response implementation, perhaps reflecting increased response difficulty. More importantly, temporal predictability differentially modulated motor cortex activity as a function of response conflict before the response was even initiated. This effect occurred in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the response, which is involved in inhibiting unwanted actions. If target features all triggered the same response, temporal predictability increased cortical inhibition of the incorrect response hand. Conversely, if different target features triggered two conflicting responses, temporal predictability decreased inhibition of the incorrect, yet prepotent, response. This dissociation reconciles the well-established behavioral benefits of temporal predictability for nonconflicting responses as well as its costs for conflicting ones by providing an elegant mechanism that operates selectively over the motor cortex involved in suppressing inappropriate actions just before response initiation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that temporal information differentially guides motor activity depending on response choice complexity.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2021) 33 (5): 946–963.
Published: 01 April 2021
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Studies in animals and humans have implicated the neurotransmitter dopamine in duration processing. However, very few studies have examined dopamine's involvement in other forms of temporal processing such as temporal order judgments. In a randomized within-subject placebo-controlled design, we used acute phenylalanine/tyrosine depletion (APTD) to reduce availability of the dopamine precursors tyrosine and phenylalanine in healthy human volunteers. As compared to a nutritionally balanced drink, APTD significantly impaired the ability to accurately reproduce interval duration in a temporal reproduction task. In addition, and confirming previous findings, the direction of error differed as a function of individual differences in underlying dopamine function. Specifically, APTD caused participants with low baseline dopamine precursor availability to overestimate the elapse of time, whereas those with high dopamine availability underestimated time. In contrast to these effects on duration processing, there were no significant effects of APTD on the accuracy of discriminating the temporal order of visual stimuli. This pattern of results does not simply represent an effect of APTD on motor, rather than perceptual, measures of timing because APTD had no effect on participants' ability to use temporal cues to speed RT. Our results demonstrate, for the first time in healthy volunteers, a dopaminergic dissociation in judging metrical (duration) versus ordinal (temporal order) aspects of time.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (11): 2281–2298.
Published: 01 November 2015
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Estimating duration depends on the sequential integration (accumulation) of temporal information in working memory. Using fMRI, we directly compared the accumulation of information in temporal versus spatial domains. Participants estimated either the duration or distance of the dynamic trajectory of a moving dot or, in a control condition, a static line stimulus. Comparing the duration versus distance of static lines activated an extensive cortico-striatal network. By contrast, comparing the duration versus distance of dynamic trajectories, both of which required sequential integration of information, activated SMA alone. Indeed, activity in SMA, as well as right inferior occipital cortex, increased parametrically as a function of stimulus duration and also correlated with individual differences in the propensity to overestimate stimulus duration. By contrast, activity in primary visual cortex increased parametrically as a function of stimulus distance. Crucially, a direct comparison of the parametric responses to duration versus distance revealed that activity in SMA increased incrementally as a function of stimulus duration but not as a function of stimulus distance. Collectively, our results indicate that SMA responds to the active accumulation of information selectively in the temporal domain.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2014) 26 (3): 593–605.
Published: 01 March 2014
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When we direct attentional resources to a certain point in time, expectation and preparedness is heightened and behavior is, as a result, more efficient. This future-oriented attending can be guided either voluntarily, by externally defined cues, or implicitly, by perceived temporal regularities. Inspired by dynamic attending theory, our aim was to study the extent to which metrical structure, with its beats of greater or lesser relative strength, modulates attention implicitly over time and to uncover the neural circuits underlying this process of dynamic attending. We used fMRI to investigate whether auditory meter generated temporal expectancies and, consequently, how it affected processing of auditory and visual targets. Participants listened to a continuous auditory metrical sequence and pressed a button whenever an auditory or visual target was presented. The independent variable was the time of target presentation with respect to the metrical structure of the sequence. Participants' RTs to targets occurring on strong metrical positions were significantly faster than responses to events falling on weak metrical positions. Events falling on strong beats were accompanied by increased activation of the left inferior parietal cortex, a region crucial for orienting attention in time, and, by greater functional connectivity between the left inferior parietal cortex and the visual and auditory cortices, the SMA and the cerebellum. These results support the predictions of the dynamic attending theory that metrical structure with its relative strong and weak beats modulates attentional resources over time and, in turn, affects the functioning of both perceptual and motor preparatory systems.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2008) 20 (12): 2185–2197.
Published: 01 December 2008
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The temporal discrimination paradigm requires subjects to compare the duration of a probe stimulus to that of a sample previously stored in working or long-term memory, thus providing an index of timing that is independent of a motor response. However, the estimation process itself comprises several component cognitive processes, including timing, storage, retrieval, and comparison of durations. Previous imaging studies have attempted to disentangle these components by simply measuring brain activity during early versus late scanning epochs. We aim to improve the temporal resolution and precision of this approach by using rapid event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to time-lock the hemodynamic response to presentation of the sample and probe stimuli themselves. Compared to a control (color-estimation) task, which was matched in terms of difficulty, sustained attention, and motor preparation requirements, we found selective activation of the left putamen for the storage (“encoding”) of stimulus duration into working memory (WM). Moreover, increased putamen activity was linked to enhanced timing performance, suggesting that the level of putamen activity may modulate the depth of temporal encoding. Retrieval and comparison of stimulus duration in WM selectively activated the right superior temporal gyrus. Finally, the supplementary motor area was equally active during both sample and probe stages of the task, suggesting a fundamental role in timing the duration of a stimulus that is currently unfolding in time.