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R. Todd Constable
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2022) 34 (10): 1810–1841.
Published: 01 September 2022
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Exposure to socioeconomic disadvantages (SED) can have negative impacts on mental health, yet SED are a multifaceted construct and the precise processes by which SED confer deleterious effects are less clear. Using a large and diverse sample of preadolescents (ages 9–10 years at baseline, n = 4038, 49% female) from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study, we examined associations among SED at both household (i.e., income–needs and material hardship) and neighborhood (i.e., area deprivation and neighborhood unsafety) levels, frontoamygdala resting-state functional connectivity, and internalizing symptoms at baseline and 1-year follow-up. SED were positively associated with internalizing symptoms at baseline and indirectly predicted symptoms 1 year later through elevated symptoms at baseline. At the household level, youth in households characterized by higher disadvantage (i.e., lower income-to-needs ratio) exhibited more strongly negative frontoamygdala coupling, particularly between the bilateral amygdala and medial OFC (mOFC) regions within the frontoparietal network. Although more strongly positive amygdala–mOFC coupling was associated with higher levels of internalizing symptoms at baseline and 1-year follow-up, it did not mediate the association between income-to-needs ratio and internalizing symptoms. However, at the neighborhood level, amygdala–mOFC functional coupling moderated the effect of neighborhood deprivation on internalizing symptoms. Specifically, higher neighborhood deprivation was associated with higher internalizing symptoms for youth with more strongly positive connectivity, but not for youth with more strongly negative connectivity, suggesting a potential buffering effect. Findings highlight the importance of capturing multilevel socioecological contexts in which youth develop to identify youth who are most likely to benefit from early interventions.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2018) 30 (2): 160–173.
Published: 01 February 2018
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Although we typically talk about attention as a single process, it comprises multiple independent components. But what are these components, and how are they represented in the functional organization of the brain? To investigate whether long-studied components of attention are reflected in the brain's intrinsic functional organization, here we apply connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM) to predict the components of Posner and Petersen's influential model of attention: alerting (preparing and maintaining alertness and vigilance), orienting (directing attention to a stimulus), and executive control (detecting and resolving cognitive conflict) [Posner, M. I., & Petersen, S. E. The attention system of the human brain. Annual Review of Neuroscience , 13 , 25–42, 1990]. Participants performed the Attention Network Task (ANT), which measures these three factors, and rested during fMRI scanning. CPMs tested with leave-one-subject-out cross-validation successfully predicted novel individual's overall ANT accuracy, RT variability, and executive control scores from functional connectivity observed during ANT performance. CPMs also generalized to predict participants' alerting scores from their resting-state functional connectivity alone, demonstrating that connectivity patterns observed in the absence of an explicit task contain a signature of the ability to prepare for an upcoming stimulus. Suggesting that significant variance in ANT performance is also explained by an overall sustained attention factor, the sustained attention CPM, a model defined in prior work to predict sustained attentional abilities, predicted accuracy, RT variability, and executive control from task-based data and predicted RT variability from resting-state data. Our results suggest that, whereas executive control may be closely related to sustained attention, the infrastructure that supports alerting is distinct and can be measured at rest. In the future, CPM may be applied to elucidate additional independent components of attention and relationships between the functional brain networks that predict them.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2008) 20 (7): 1146–1160.
Published: 01 July 2008
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Functional neuroimaging studies indicate that a primary marker of specific reading disability (RD) is reduced activation of left hemisphere (LH) posterior regions during performance of reading tasks. However, the severity of this disruption, and the extent to which these LH systems might be available for reading under any circumstances, is unclear at present. Experiment 1 examined the cortical effects of stimulus manipulations (frequency, imageability, consistency) that have known facilitative effects on reading performance for both nonimpaired (NI) and RD readers. Experiment 2 examined stimulus repetition, another facilitative variable, in an additional sample of adolescent NI and RD readers. For NI readers, factors that made words easier to process were associated with relatively reduced activation. For RD readers, facilitative factors resulted in increased activation in these same reading-related sites, suggesting that the LH reading circuitry in adolescent RD is poorly trained but not wholly disrupted.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2005) 17 (12): 1950–1961.
Published: 01 December 2005
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Traditional consolidation theory, which seeks to explain how new memories are incorporated into the preexisting neural architecture, stipulates that the hippocampus plays a time-limited role in this process. However, although there is abundant research showing that the hippocampus is necessary for the initial (encoding) phase, there is very little experimental evidence with human subjects proving that the structure ceases to play a role in the retrieval of episodic items from memory stores. To test this hypothesis, we investigated recall activation associated with recent memories (2.5 days) versus remote memories (mean of 8 years) using functional magnetic resonance imaging. In accordance with the multiple memory trace theory, recall of consolidated autobiographic information, represented by the remote condition, was not independent of the hippocampus. Both types of memory retrieval produced significant activation in parahippocampal, prefrontal, and midtemporal gyri, the parietal-temporal junction, and a medial region of cortex spanning the posterior cingulate and precuneus gyri. However, where recent events activated bilateral regions of the caudate nucleus, remote events yielded significantly greater activation within the hippocampus proper. The results challenge traditional consolidation theory, which would predict greater hippocampal activity for recent events. Furthermore, they highlight the interplay between multiple memory systems in the brain. We argue that our particular question format, which encouraged depth of recall and did not require a prescan interview, as well as our delineation of the recent and remote time periods, were the determining factors for the observed pattern of hippocampal activation.