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Satoshi Hirose
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2011) 23 (3): 737–745.
Published: 01 March 2011
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Proactive interference (PI), which is formed through repetition of certain behavior and lasts for a while, needs to be inhibited in order for subsequent behavior to prevail over the antecedent one. Although the inhibitory mechanisms in the pFC have been reported that are recruited long after one behavior is updated to another, very little is known about the inhibitory mechanisms that are recruited immediately after the update. The WCST was modified in the present fMRI study such that inhibition of PI could be examined both immediately after and long after update of behavior. Use of “dual-match” stimuli allowed us to compare two types of trials where inhibition of PI was and was not required (control and release trials, respectively). Significant activation was observed in the left pre-SMA during control versus release trials. The pre-SMA activation was selective to PI inhibition required immediately after update of behavior, which exhibited marked contrast to the left anterior prefrontal activation selective to PI inhibition required long after the update. These results reveal dissociable inhibitory mechanisms in these two regions that are recruited in the different temporal contexts of the inhibitory demands imposed during performance of the task.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2008) 20 (11): 2006–2014.
Published: 01 November 2008
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One of the most prevailing views on the functional localization of human cognition is the hemispheric specialization, wherein the left and right hemispheres are implicated primarily in verbal and nonverbal functions, respectively. Cognitive control is known to involve the lateral prefrontal cortex. However, it remains unclear whether the hemispheric specialization in the lateral prefrontal cortex can be observed in cognitive control per se, independent of sensory aspects of stimulus materials. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we tested whether the verbal/nonverbal hemispheric specialization applies to the lateral prefrontal activation by investigating interference suppression, the ability to filter out irrelevant information in the environment. The flanker task was employed using a compound stimulus that contained a target and a flanker. The flanked stimulus was either a color word flanked by a colored patch or a colored patch flanked by a color word, which allowed us to manipulate the modality of the presented flanker stimulus from which interference originates, keeping the total stimulus modality balanced. The inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) showed prominent Modality-by-Hemisphere interaction in interference suppression, the left IFG being activated when a word flanker (plus a patch target) was presented and the right IFG being activated when a patch flanker (plus a word target) was presented. These results suggest that the verbal/nonverbal hemispheric specialization in the IFG can be explained by cognitive control processes per se, independent of sensory aspects of presented materials.