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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2021) 33 (3): 402–421.
Published: 01 March 2021
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Offering reward during encoding typically leads to better memory [Adcock, R. A., Thangavel, A., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S.,Knutson, B., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. Reward-motivated learning: Mesolimbic activation precedes memory formation. Neuron , 50 , 507–517, 2006]. Whether such memory benefit persists when tested in a different task context remains, however, largely understudied [Wimmer, G. E., & Buechel, C. Reactivation of reward-related patterns from single past episodes supports memory-based decision making. Journal of Neuroscience , 36 , 2868–2880, 2016]. Here, we ask whether reward at encoding leads to a generalized advantage across learning episodes, a question of high importance for any everyday life applications, from education to patient rehabilitation. Although we confirmed that offering monetary reward increased responses in the ventral striatum and pleasantness judgments for pictures used as stimuli, this immediate beneficial effect of reward did not carry over to a subsequent and different picture–location association memory task during which no reward was delivered. If anything, a trend for impaired memory accuracy was observed for the initially high-rewarded pictures as compared to low-rewarded ones. In line with this trend in behavioral performance, fMRI activity in reward (i.e., ventral striatum) and in memory (i.e., hippocampus) circuits was reduced during the encoding of new associations using previously highly rewarded pictures (compared to low-reward pictures). These neural effects extended to new pictures from same, previously highly rewarded semantic category. Twenty-four hours later, delayed recall of associations involving originally highly rewarded items was accompanied by decreased functional connectivity between the hippocampus and two brain regions implicated in value-based learning, the ventral striatum and the ventromedial PFC. We conclude that acquired reward value elicits a downward value-adjustment signal in the human reward circuit when reactivated in a novel nonrewarded context, with a parallel disengagement of memory–reward (hippocampal–striatal) networks, likely to undermine new associative learning. Although reward is known to promote learning, here we show how it may subsequently hinder hippocampal and striatal responses during new associative memory formation.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2010) 22 (12): 2768–2780.
Published: 01 December 2010
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Spatial frequencies in an image influence visual analysis across a distributed, hierarchically organized brain network. Low spatial frequency (LSF) information may rapidly reach high-order areas to allow an initial coarse parsing of the visual scene, which could then be “retroinjected” through feedback into lower level visual areas to guide finer analysis on the basis of high spatial frequency (HSF). To test this “coarse-to-fine” processing scheme and to identify its neural substrates in the human brain, we presented sequences of two spatial-frequency-filtered scenes in rapid succession (LSF followed by HSF or vice versa) during fMRI and ERPs in the same participants. We show that for low-to-high sequences (but not for high-to-low sequences), LSF produces a first increase of activity in prefrontal and temporo-parietal areas, followed by enhanced responses to HSF in primary visual cortex. This pattern is consistent with retroactive influences on low-level areas that process HSF after initial activation of higher order areas by LSF.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2007) 19 (8): 1388–1406.
Published: 01 August 2007
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Right hemisphere lesions often lead to severe disorders in spatial awareness and behavior, such as left hemispatial neglect. Neglect involves not only pathological biases in attention and exploration but also deficits in internal representations of space and spatial working memory. Here we designed a new paradigm to test whether one potential component may involve a failure to maintain an updated representation of visual locations across delays when a gaze-shift intervenes. Right hemisphere patients with varying severity of left spatial neglect had to encode a single target location and retain it across an interval of 2 or 3 sec, during which the target was transiently removed, before a subsequent probe appeared for a same/different location judgment. During the delay, gaze could have to shift to either side of the remembered location, or no gaze-shift was required. Patients showed a dramatic loss of memory for target location after shifting gaze to its right (toward their “intact” ipsilesional side), but not after leftward gaze-shifts. Such impairment arose even when the target initially appeared in the right visual field, before being updated leftward due to right gaze, and even when gaze returned to the screen center before the memory probe was presented. These findings indicate that location information may be permanently degraded when the target has to be remapped leftward in gaze-centric representations. Across patients, the location-memory deficit induced by rightward gaze-shifts correlated with left neglect severity on several clinical tests. This paradoxical memory deficit, with worse performance following gaze-shifts to the “intact” side of space, may reflect losses in gaze-centric representations of space that normally remap a remembered location dynamically relative to current gaze. Right gaze-shifts may remap remembered locations leftward, into damaged representations, whereas left gaze-shifts will require remapping rightward, into intact representations. Our findings accord with physiological data on normal remapping mechanisms in the primate brain but demonstrate for the first time their impact on perceptual spatial memory when damaged, while providing new insights into possible components that may contribute to the neglect syndrome.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2005) 17 (8): 1245–1260.
Published: 01 August 2005
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Attention can enhance processing for relevant information and suppress this for ignored stimuli. However, some residual processing may still arise without attention. Here we presented overlapping outline objects at study, with subjects attending to those in one color but not the other. Attended objects were subsequently recognized on a surprise memory test, whereas there was complete amnesia for ignored items on such direct explicit testing; yet reliable behavioral priming effects were found on indirect testing. Event-related fMRI examined neural responses to previously attended or ignored objects, now shown alone in the same or mirror-reversed orientation as before, intermixed with new items. Repetition-related decreases in fMRI responses for objects previously attended and repeated in the same orientation were found in the right posterior fusiform, lateral occipital, and left inferior frontal cortex. More anterior fusiform regions also showed some repetition decreases for ignored objects, irrespective of orientation. View-specific repetition decreases were found in the striate cortex, particularly for previously attended items. In addition, previously ignored objects produced some fMRI response increases in the bilateral lingual gyri, relative to new objects. Selective attention at exposure can thus produce several distinct long-term effects on processing of stimuli repeated later, with neural response suppression stronger for previously attended objects, and some response enhancement for previously ignored objects, with these effects arising in different brain areas. Although repetition decreases may relate to positive priming phenomena, the repetition increases for ignored objects shown here for the first time might relate to processes that can produce “negative priming” in some behavioral studies. These results reveal quantitative and qualitative differences between neural substrates of long-term repetition effects for attended versus unattended objects.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2005) 17 (7): 1043–1057.
Published: 01 July 2005
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Humans can identify individual faces under different viewpoints, even after a single encounter. We determined brain regions responsible for processing face identity across view changes after variable delays with several intervening stimuli, using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging during a long-term repetition priming paradigm. Unfamiliar faces were presented sequentially either in a frontal or three-quarter view. Each face identity was repeated once after an unpredictable lag, with either the same or another viewpoint. Behavioral data showed significant priming in response time, irrespective of view changes. Brain imaging results revealed a reduced response in the lateral occipital and fusiform cortex with face repetition. Bilateral face-selective fusiform areas showed view-sensitive repetition effects, generalizing only from three-quarter to front-views. More medial regions in the left (but not in the right) fusiform showed repetition effects across all types of viewpoint changes. These results reveal that distinct regions within the fusiform cortex hold view-sensitive or view-invariant traces of novel faces, and that face identity is represented in a view-sensitive manner in the functionally defined face-selective areas of both hemispheres. In addition, our finding of a better generalization after exposure to a 3/4-view than to a front-view demonstrates for the first time a neural substrate in the fusiform cortex for the common recognition advantage of three-quarter faces. This pattern provides new insights into the nature of face representation in the human visual system.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2002) 14 (6): 875–886.
Published: 15 August 2002
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Visual extinction after right parietal damage involves a loss of awareness for stimuli in the contralesional field when presented concurrently with ipsilesional stimuli, although contralesional stimuli are still perceived if presented alone. However, extinguished stimuli can still receive some residual on-line processing, without awareness. Here we examined whether such residual processing of extinguished stimuli can produce implicit and/or explicit memory traces lasting many minutes. We tested four patients with right parietal damage and left extinction on two sessions, each including distinct study and subsequent test phases. At study, pictures of objects were shown briefly in the right, left, or both fields. Patients were asked to name them without memory instructions (Session 1) or to make an indoor/outdoor categorization and memorize them (Session 2). They extinguished most left stimuli on bilateral presentation. During the test (up to 48 min later), fragmented pictures of the previously exposed objects (or novel objects) were presented alone in either field. Patients had to identify each object and then judge whether it had previously been exposed. Identification of fragmented pictures was better for previously exposed objects that had been consciously seen and critically also for objects that had been extinguished (as compared with novel objects), with no influence of the depth of processing during study. By contrast, explicit recollection occurred only for stimuli that were consciously seen at study and increased with depth of processing. These results suggest implicit but not explicit memory for extinguished visual stimuli in parietal patients.