The 2020–2021 LABS Peer Reviewers are pleased to announce the authors of the top-ranked abstracts. The authors of the six highest ranked abstracts are published online on our website and also in a special section of Leonardo journal: Memo Akten, Rene Garcia Cepeda, Hassan Choubassi, Batool Desouky, Julie Freeman, Andrew Knight-Hill, Lisa Korpos, Rosemary Lee and Lozana Mehandzhiyska.
Please join us in congratulating the winners and thanking this year’s peer review members: Yiannis Colakides, Mathew Dalgleish, Johannes DeYoung, Eugenia Fratzeskou, Tracy Harwood, Tom Leeser, Clarissa Ribeiro, Harpreet Sareen, Mary Anne Staniszewski and Yanai Toister.
Leonardo journal, published for Leonardo/ISAST by MIT Press, has been considered the premier journal of record in the art/science/technology field for the past 50 years. In keeping with its scholarly focus, the journal editors submit manuscripts to peer review prior to acceptance. In working toward correcting an imbalance in representation across our review panel, we explicitly...