I propose here the conditions for a productive interaction between media arts and cultural industries in the current Lebanese art and cultural scene, ranging from an established and conservative art that refers to tradition and embraces the forms and contents of its time to a culturally resistant art that experiments with new forms and messages. The latter is a revolutionary art invoking novelty in opposition to the former conception of art, specific to artists integrated into the milieu of instituted system. Indeed, conservative art in Lebanon is part of a vision that considers that in art, as elsewhere, the end justifies the means, to the extent that money and profit participate in the very definition of art. In this sense, conservative art is based on a practice of repeating preexisting forms of expression. Lebanese conservative art finds its value in economic criteria that prevail over symbolic ones. In other words,...
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December 2021
December 22 2021
What Is at Stake in the Interaction between Media Arts and Cultural Industries in Lebanon
Ricardo Mbarkho
Ricardo Mbarkho
University of Balamand Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts Beirut Lebanon
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Ricardo Mbarkho
University of Balamand Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts Beirut Lebanon
Online ISSN: 1530-9282
Print ISSN: 0024-094X
©2021 ISAST
Leonardo (2021) 54 (6): 714–716.
Ricardo Mbarkho; What Is at Stake in the Interaction between Media Arts and Cultural Industries in Lebanon. Leonardo 2021; 54 (6): 714–716. doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/leon_a_02098
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