Sound arts now is the third edited volume by Cathy Lane and Angus Carlyle, cofounders of Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP), a research center of University of the Arts London. The book extends Lane and Carlyle’s two previous collections, On Listening (Uniformbooks, 2013), a collection of essays about ways in which listening is used in disciplines including anthropology, community activism, bioacoustics, conflict mediation, religious studies, ethnomusicology and field recording; and In the Field (Uniform Books, 2013), a collection of interviews with contemporary sound artists who use field recordings in their work. Sound Arts Now derives much of its impetus from In the Field and uses the format of extended interviews with individuals working with sound to situate sound arts as a complexity of practices across wider horizons in terms of both practices and practitioners. Twenty interviews with artists and curators, as well as the often-unheard voice of the...

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