I could not imagine a more inspiring book than Isabel Rimanoczy’s Sustainability Mindset Principles. Although we live in a world suffering from one ravaging disaster after another, whether pandemic or climate catastrophe, here is a book that offers a blueprint for individuals, groups and leaders to effect meaningful change. In his foreword, Chris Laszlo notes how Rimanoczy offers a practical “roadmap” for educators to prepare and engage a new generation of business leaders in sustainable thinking, not just to reduce harms but to achieve positive impacts. Reflecting on the tragedies of COVID-19 in her Preface, Rimanoczy says that the world now knows there are more stable patterns for how to live. Rimanoczy studied successful business leaders to understand how the elements of a mind shift could be developed with a goal for outward change. This research led to courses and the establishment of a larger, wider program that includes instructors...

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