Albert Robida: De la satire à l’anticipation, edited by Claire Barel-Moisan and Matthieu Letourneux. Reviewed by Jan Baetens.
Design as Democratic Inquiry: Putting Experimental Civics into Practice by Carl DiSalvo. Reviewed by Mike Mosher.
Helicography by Craig Dworkin. Reviewed by Jan Baetens.
Mixed Forms of Visual Culture: From the Cabinet of Curiosities to Digital Diversity by Mary Ann Francis. Reviewed by Jan Baetens.
Type Specimens: A Visual History of Typesetting and Printing by Dori Griffin. Reviewed by Michael Punt.
Le musée comme expérience. Dialogue itinérant sur les musées d’artistes et de collectionneurs by Dario and Libero Gamboni. Reviewed by Jan Baetens.
Rereading Abstract Expressionism: Clement Greenberg and the Cold War by Daniel Neofetou. Reviewed by Jan Baetens.