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The Leonardo Gallery
Special Section: Global Crossings: The Cultural Roots of Globalization: The Spirit and Power of Water Project
From “Life-Water” to “Death-Water” or On the Foundations of African Artistic Creation from Yesterday to Tomorrow
Leonardo (2003) 36 (4): 273–277.
Artist's Article
General Article
Personal Profiles of Color Synesthesia: Developing a Testing Method for Artists and Scientists
Leonardo (2003) 36 (4): 291–294.
Historical Perspective on the Arts, Scienes and Technology
Artists' Statements
Spectroscopic Imaging in Art Conservation: A New Tool For Materials Investigations
Leonardo (2003) 36 (4): 304.
Special Section: Intersenses and New Technologies
Leonardo Reviews
The spectre Of Hope: With Sebastiäo Salgado and John Berger; Migrations; The Children: Refugees and Migrants
Leonardo (2003) 36 (4): 325–326.
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