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Artists’ Articles
General Articles
Lovewear: Haptic Clothing that Allows Intimate Exploration for Movement-Impaired People
Leonardo (2023) 56 (2): 139–146.
Historical Perspectives
Tragedy of the Non-Visible: Aesthetic and Ontological Differences in Early Computer versus Conceptual Art
Leonardo (2023) 56 (2): 159–163.
Special Section: Indeterminacy after AI
The Critical Counterpoints of Dataveillance Artists: Contesting the Authoritative Narratives of the Intelligence Community
Leonardo (2023) 56 (2): 164–169.
Special Section: Music and Sound Art
Live Coding in Music Theater—A Comprehensive Technique? The Case of Dumrul and the Grim Reaper
Leonardo (2023) 56 (2): 199–204.
Leonardo Reviews
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