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Emma Wood
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo (2022) 55 (3): 235–239.
Published: 26 May 2022
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This article reports findings from a one-month design research project in which four textile and fashion designers engaged in collaborative exploration of technical and artistic knowledge inherent in folds and folding. They experimented with textile technologies and construction methods to design, fabricate and analyze three-dimensional dynamic materiality in electronic textiles (e-textiles). The focus was on sensor structures achieved by knitting, weaving, pleating and coating techniques. The analysis of measurements of electrical resistance between one and 36 sensing areas per sample demonstrate the added value of folds integrated into textile sensor structures. The authors discuss types of folding and their aesthetic, textural and sensorial advantages. Detailed information on design, fabrication and experimental results is provided in supplemental materials to the article.
Includes: Supplementary data