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Lizzie Muller
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo (2021) 54 (6): 684–687.
Published: 22 December 2021
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo (2020) 53 (3): 321–326.
Published: 01 May 2020
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The locus of encounter between art, science and the public can be conceptualized as third space —a generative site of shared experience. This article reports on a group-based psychosocial method led by imagery and affect—the visual matrix—that enables researchers to capture and characterize knowledge emerging in third space, where disciplinary boundaries are fluid and there is no settled discourse. It presents an account of the visual matrix process in the context of an artscience collaboration on memory and forgetting. The authors show how the method illuminates aesthetic and affective dimensions of participant experience and captures the emerging, empathic and ethical knowing that is characteristic of third space.
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo (2008) 41 (4): 418–419.
Published: 01 August 2008
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This paper describes a new approach to documenting media art which seeks to place in dialogue the artist's intentions and the audience's experience. It explicitly highlights the productive tension between the ideal, conceptual existence of the work, and its actual manifestation through different iterations and exhibitions in the real world. The paper describes how the approach was developed collaboratively during the production of a documentary collection for the artwork Giver of Names , by David Rokeby. It outlines the key features of the approach including artist's interview, audience interviews and data structure.