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Michael Betancourt
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo (2015) 48 (5): 408–418.
Published: 01 October 2015
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ABSTRACT This essay surveys a 20-year period of the author’s studio-based research into “spatial montage” and windowing, elaborating on his use of space imagery in a symbolic system describing the critique of fantasy::reality through symbols that are still used in the contemporary world—how the mythic dimensions of interpreting the “heavens” collide and contradict contemporary scientific interpretations. “Visionary” art is the dynamic focus, with the Moon as the central icon, providing a direct means for the author to consider ambiguities and complexities of symbolic transformation: earlier descriptions of heavens and Earth provide a visionary subtext to scientific exploration. The author considers himself a “ re visionary” artist whose work engages the implicit semiotics of visionary film/visual music to problematize the pseudoscientific theories found there.
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo (2007) 40 (1): 59–65.
Published: 01 February 2007
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ABSTRACT The author proposes a taxonomy of abstract form anchored in an examination of the history and theory of synesthesia and abstract art. The foundations of this taxonomy lie in empirical psychological studies of “form-constants” found in cross-modal synesthetic visions and hallucinatory states, specifically the work of Heinrich Klüver in his examinations of mescaline and the mechanisms producing visual hallucinations. While the proposed taxonomy is limited only to synesthesia-inspired abstraction, it has suggestive possibilities when considered in relation to other forms of non-synesthetic abstraction such as Islamic Art, the geometric forms found on classical Greek vases, and other kinds of decorative abstract patterns.