Current research on the nominal spine (1a) supports the idea that number can be associated with different positions. Much of the work on nominal number contrasts a “high” positiaon in Num that hosts grammatical number and a “low” position in n that hosts idiosyncratic, adjunct, or lexical number.1 Comparatively little research has examined where number is located in pronouns. While it is clear that pronouns involve φ-features that typically include person (π) and number (#) as a bundle, it is not clear where these features occur in relation to other nominal projections,2 nor whether pronouns have the full complement of nominal projections that nominals have.3 A possible proposal for pronominal structure, in which number is not a separate head, is shown in (1b).
In this squib, we illustrate with two case studies that grammatical number in the nominal and pronominal domains is fundamentally...