It is generally assumed that Mandarin Chinese has a complex anaphor ta ziji, which is locally bound (Condition A of the canonical binding theory; Chomsky 1981), and another anaphor, ziji, which can be locally and nonlocally bound, as in (1).

Ziji’s internal structure is subject to debate. The dominant position is that it is simplex and that this property enables its nonlocal binding (Battistella 1987, 1989, Pica 1987, 1991, Cole, Hermon, and Sung 1990, Huang and Tang 1991, Charnavel et al. 2017). Bergeton (2004), on the other hand, argues that it is complex. Huang and Liu (2001) propose a nonuniform analysis. So does Giblin (2016:171), arguing that zi-ji is a SE-anaphor (Reinhart and Reuland 1993), hence simplex, when nonlocally bound, but a SELF-anaphor, hence complex, when locally bound. In these analyses, the...

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