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Movement to the Higher V Is Remnant Movement

Linguistic Inquiry (2002) 33 (4): 653–659.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking.
  • Johannes Hein
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics (2021) 24 (1): 89.
Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics (2018) 18 (1): 78.
  • Mark Baltin
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory (2012) 30 (2): 381.
  • Arthur Stepanov
Linguistic Inquiry (2012) 43 (4): 680.
Studies in Generative Grammar (2011) 21 (2): 255.
  • Michael Barrie
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique (2010) 55 (3): 273.
  • Luis Vicente
Linguistic Inquiry (2010) 41 (3): 509.
The Journal of Studies in Language (2009) 25 (2): 247.
  • Jason Merchant
Linguistic Inquiry (2008) 39 (1): 169.
  • Niina Ning Zhang
Folia Linguistica (2007) 41 (1-2)
  • Chris Collins
Linguistic Inquiry (2005) 36 (2): 289.
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