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The Temperature Paradox as Evidence for a Presuppositional Analysis of Definite Descriptions

Linguistic Inquiry (2005) 36 (1): 127–134.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking.
  • John Horden
  • Dan López de Sa
Synthese (2021) 198 (11): 10237.
  • Peter Lasersohn
Linguistics and Philosophy (2021) 44 (2): 363.
  • Itamar Francez
Linguistic Inquiry (2018) 49 (4): 723.
  • Chris Barker
Lingua (2016) 182: 12.
  • Casper Storm Hansen
Linguistic Inquiry (2016) 47 (4): 695.
  • Thomas Gamerschlag
Studies in Language (2014) 38 (2): 275.
  • Greg Frost-Arnold
Philosophy of Science (2011) 78 (5): 1131.
  • Maribel Romero
Linguistic Inquiry (2008) 39 (4): 655.
  • Alexander Grosu
  • Manfred Krifka
Linguistics and Philosophy (2007) 30 (4): 445.
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