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On the Nature of the Antiagreement Effect: Evidence from Wh-in-Situ in Ibibio

Linguistic Inquiry (2008) 39 (4): 615–632.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking.
  • Kaori Furuya
Ampersand (2017) 4: 40.
  • Nico Baier
Linguistic Inquiry (2017) 48 (2): 367.
  • Boris Harizanov
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory (2014) 32 (4): 1033.
  • Brent Henderson
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory (2013) 31 (2): 453.
  • Mark Baker
  • Willie Udo Willie
Syntax (2010) 13 (2): 99.
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