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Eliminating Rightward Movement: Extraposition as Flexible Linearization of Adjuncts

Linguistic Inquiry (2014) 45 (2): 227–267.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking.
  • Cas W. Coopmans
  • Gert-Jan Schoenmakers
Linguistics in the Netherlands (2020) 37: 38.
  • Silke Fischer
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (2018) 3 (1)
  • Matthew Reeve
  • Glyn Hicks
Syntax (2017) 20 (3): 215.
  • Tim Hunter
Syntax (2015) 18 (3): 266.
  • Jason Overfelt
Lingua (2015) 164: 25.
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