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Linguistic Inquiry


Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 633–661.
Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 663–705.

Remarks and Replies

Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 707–734.
Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 735–752.
Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 753–779.
Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 780–807.

Squibs and Discussion

Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 809–822.
Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 823–835.
Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 836–851.
Linguistic Inquiry (2022) 53 (4): 852–864.

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