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I Know It's Only Noise but I Like It: Scattered Notes on the Pleasures of Experimental Improvised Music
Leonardo Music Journal (2002) 12: 31–32.
Playpens, Fireflies and Squeezables: New Musical Instruments for Bridging the Thoughtful and the Joyful
Leonardo Music Journal (2002) 12: 43–51.
Artists' Statements
The Sheer Frost Orchestra: A Nail Polish Bottle, A Guitar String and the Birth of an Orchestra
Leonardo Music Journal (2002) 12: 59–61.
Final Note
LMJ12 CD Companion
Contributors' Notes
Comment on “The Development of Electroacoustic Music in Colombia, 1965–1999” (Leonardo Music Journal 10, 2000)
Leonardo Music Journal (2002) 12: 89–90.
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