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Articles and Notes
Acouscenic Listening and Creative Soundwalks: Evoking Memory and Narratives through Soundscape Exploration
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 3–6.
Historical Virtualization: Analog and Digital Concerns in the Recreation, Modeling and Preservation of Contemporary Piano Repertoire
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 27–31.
Transcoding Nancarrow at the Dawn of the Age of MIDI: The Preservation and Use of Conlon Nancarrow’s Player Piano Studies
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 32–35.
Uncanny Materialities: Digital Strategies for Staging Supernatural Themes Drawn from Medieval Ballads
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 62–66.
A Documentation of Sound Art in Japan: Sound Garden (1987–1994) and the Sound Art Exhibitions of 1980s Japan
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 82–86.
TA [P] CHAS: References to Indigenous Traditions in Peruvian Electroacoustic Composition of the 1960s
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 93–97.
Artists’ Statements
Environmental Histories and Personal Memory: Collaborative Works in Sonification and Virtual Reality
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 51–53.
Folto giardino: Hybrid Cross-Pollination of Score, Performance, Installation and Technology
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 54–56.
LMJ27 Audio Companion
2017 Leonardo and Leonardo Music Journal Author Index
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