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Ludvig Elblaus
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo Music Journal (2017) 27: 62–66.
Published: 01 December 2017
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In the medieval tradition of ballads, a recurring theme is that of transformation. In a staged concert for chamber orchestra, singers and dancers called Varelser och Ballader ( Beings and Ballads ), we explored this theme using ballads coupled with contemporary poetry and new music. The performance made use of custom-made digital musical instruments, using video analysis and large-scale physical interfaces for transformative purposes. In this article, we describe the piece itself as well as how uncanny qualities of the digital were used to emphasize eerie themes of transformation and deception by the supernatural beings found in the medieval ballads.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo Music Journal (2014) 24: 7–12.
Published: 01 December 2014
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ABSTRACT In the opera Sing the Body Electric! A Corporatorio , artists from the disciplines of opera, dance and the development of new musical instruments collaborated to create an onstage fusion of different technologies and artistic practices that connected performer, scenography and instrument. Gestures and movements of singers were captured by custom-built technologies. The singers also used custom-built technologies for transforming their vocal qualities and for creating synthesized accompaniment in real time. In this way the singers’ bodily musical processes further extended their vocal performances, rooted in operatic praxis, allowing for heightened expressivity and emergent scenic subjects.