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Owen Vallis
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo Music Journal (2014) 24: 38–39.
Published: 01 December 2014
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ABSTRACT The authors explore questions about relationships to information, more specifically how we consume, process and interact with the current deluge of data. This article examines their work in the group the Noise Index: Convergence , a sound sculpture that confronts the viewer with the experience of information saturation, and the line between meaning and noise.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo Music Journal (2011) 21: 29–34.
Published: 01 December 2011
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ABSTRACT The advent of on-line communities has democratized the process of musical interface design and allowed users to directly participate in the future development of the devices they use. On-line communities, acting as centralized repositories for information pertaining to the development of an interface, allow users to discuss their experiences and ideas as well as providing a framework for managing information pertaining to an interface. This centralized access to information regarding the design, use and development of an interface both focuses and accelerates the developmental process.