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Tullis Rennie
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo Music Journal (2020) 30: 109–113.
Published: 01 December 2020
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How do creative sound practices function in the context of socially engaged art? Toward developing a practical methodology, this paper focuses on sound-led projects that stage socially engaged art practice in community settings, including some involving the author. Aesthetics, ethics and politics are employed as interrogative lenses for distributed creative processes. Methods for collaborative art-making that facilitate a balance between these lenses are discussed, with the author further arguing the necessity of artistic “disruption.” Such sociosonic interventions are demonstrated to occur most effectively when sound practices challenge the paradigm of unidirectional audial reproduction: rupturing traditional hierarchies of creator and listener.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Leonardo Music Journal (2015) 25: 17–20.
Published: 01 December 2015
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ABSTRACT The author challenges perceptions of authorship within the practice of field recording, discussing sonic arts responses to political subject matter and examining the power dynamic among recordist/composer, subject and listener. He considers compositions drawing on recordings of protests as a medium to represent political content without recourse to language.