Although various means of information representation in the cortex have been considered, the fundamental mechanism for such representation is not well understood. The relation between neural network dynamics and properties of information representation needs to be examined. We examined spatial pattern properties of mean firing rates and spatiotemporal spikes in an interconnected spiking neural network model. We found that whereas the spatiotemporal spike patterns are chaotic and unstable, the spatial patterns of mean firing rates (SPMFR) are steady and stable, reflecting the internal structure of synaptic weights. Interestingly, the chaotic instability contributes to fast stabilization of the SPMFR. Findings suggest that there are two types of network dynamics behind neuronal spiking: internally-driven dynamics and externally driven dynamics. When the internally driven dynamics dominate, spikes are relatively more chaotic and independent of external inputs; the SPMFR are steady and stable. When the externally driven dynamics dominate, the spiking patterns are relatively more dependent on the spatiotemporal structure of external inputs. These emergent properties of information representation imply that the brain may adopt a dual coding system. Recent experimental data suggest that internally driven and externally driven dynamics coexist and work together in the cortex.