A new network with super-approximation power is introduced. This network is built with Floor (x) or ReLU (max{0,x}) activation function in each neuron; hence, we call such networks Floor-ReLU networks. For any hyperparameters NN+ and LN+, we show that Floor-ReLU networks with width max{d,5N+13} and depth 64dL+3 can uniformly approximate a Hölder function f on [0,1]d with an approximation error 3λdα/2N-αL, where α(0,1] and λ are the Hölder order and constant, respectively. More generally for an arbitrary continuous function f on [0,1]d with a modulus of continuity ωf(·), the constructive approximation rate is ωf(dN-L)+2ωf(d)N-L. As a consequence, this new class of networks overcomes the curse of dimensionality in approximation power when the variation of ωf(r) as r0 is moderate (e.g., ωf(r)rα for Hölder continuous functions), since the major term to be considered in our approximation rate is essentially d times a function of N and L independent of d within the modulus of continuity.

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