Multistate Hopfield models, such as complex-valued Hopfield neural networks (CHNNs), have been used as multistate neural associative memories. Quaternion-valued Hopfield neural networks (QHNNs) reduce the number of weight parameters of CHNNs. The CHNNs and QHNNs have weak noise tolerance by the inherent property of rotational invariance. Klein Hopfield neural networks (KHNNs) improve the noise tolerance by resolving rotational invariance. However, the KHNNs have another disadvantage of self-feedback, a major factor of deterioration in noise tolerance. In this work, the stability conditions of KHNNs are extended. Moreover, the projection rule for KHNNs is modified using the extended conditions. The proposed projection rule improves the noise tolerance by a reduction in self-feedback. Computer simulations support that the proposed projection rule improves the noise tolerance of KHNNs.

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