In this letter, we mainly study the depth and width of autoencoders consisting of rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation functions. An autoencoder is a layered neural network consisting of an encoder, which compresses an input vector to a lower-dimensional vector, and a decoder, which transforms the low-dimensional vector back to the original input vector exactly (or approximately). In a previous study, Melkman et al. (2023) studied the depth and width of autoencoders using linear threshold activation functions with binary input and output vectors. We show that similar theoretical results hold if autoencoders using ReLU activation functions with real input and output vectors are used. Furthermore, we show that it is possible to compress input vectors to one-dimensional vectors using ReLU activation functions, although the size of compressed vectors is trivially Ω(log n) for autoencoders with linear threshold activation functions, where n is the number of input vectors. We also study the cases of linear activation functions. The results suggest that the compressive power of autoencoders using linear activation functions is considerably limited compared with those using ReLU activation functions.