The creation of future low-power neuromorphic solutions requires specialist spiking neural network (SNN) algorithms that are optimized for neuromorphic settings. One such algorithmic challenge is the ability to recall learned patterns from their noisy variants. Solutions to this problem may be required to memorize vast numbers of patterns based on limited training data and subsequently recall the patterns in the presence of noise. To solve this problem, previous work has explored sparse associative memory (SAM)—associative memory neural models that exploit the principle of sparse neural coding observed in the brain. Research into a subcategory of SAM has been inspired by the biological process of adult neurogenesis, whereby new neurons are generated to facilitate adaptive and effective lifelong learning. Although these neurogenesis models have been demonstrated in previous research, they have limitations in terms of recall memory capacity and robustness to noise.
In this letter, we provide a unifying framework for characterizing a type of SAM network that has been pretrained using a learning strategy that incorporated a simple neurogenesis model. Using this characterization, we formally define network topology and threshold optimization methods to empirically demonstrate greater than 10|$^{{4}}$| times improvement in memory capacity compared to previous work. We show that these optimizations can facilitate the development of networks that have reduced interneuron connectivity while maintaining high recall efficacy. This paves the way for ongoing research into fast, effective, low-power realizations of associative memory on neuromorphic platforms.