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The Shape of Phase-Resetting Curves in Oscillators with a Saddle Node on an Invariant Circle Bifurcation
Neural Computation (2012) 24 (12): 3111–3125.
A Compartmental Model of Linear Resonance and Signal Transfer in Dendrites
Neural Computation (2012) 24 (12): 3126–3144.
Exact Event-Driven Implementation for Recurrent Networks of Stochastic Perfect Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
Neural Computation (2012) 24 (12): 3145–3180.
Information-Geometric Measures for Estimation of Connection Weight Under Correlated Inputs
Neural Computation (2012) 24 (12): 3213–3245.
A Common Network Architecture Efficiently Implements a Variety of Sparsity-Based Inference Problems
Neural Computation (2012) 24 (12): 3317–3339.
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