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A. N. Burkitt
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2001) 13 (12): 2639–2672.
Published: 01 December 2001
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The timing information contained in the response of a neuron to noisy periodic synaptic input is analyzed for the leaky integrate-and-fire neural model. We address the question of the relationship between the timing of the synaptic inputs and the output spikes. This requires an analysis of the interspike interval distribution of the output spikes, which is obtained in the gaussian approximation. The conditional output spike density in response to noisy periodic input is evaluated as a function of the initial phase of the inputs. This enables the phase transition matrix to be calculated, which relates the phase at which the output spike is generated to the initial phase of the inputs. The interspike interval histogram and the period histogram for the neural response to ongoing periodic input are then evaluated by using the leading eigenvector of this phase transition matrix. The synchronization index of the output spikes is found to increase sharply as the inputs become synchronized. This enhancement of synchronization is most pronounced for large numbers of inputs and lower frequencies of modulation and also for rates of input near the critical input rate. However, the mutual information between the input phase of the stimulus and the timing of output spikes is found to decrease at low input rates as the number of inputs increases. The results show close agreement with those obtained from numerical simulations for large numbers of inputs.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2000) 12 (8): 1789–1820.
Published: 01 August 2000
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We present a new technique for calculating the interspike intervals of integrate-and-fire neurons. There are two new components to this technique. First, the probability density of the summed potential is calculated by integrating over the distribution of arrival times of the afferent post-synaptic potentials (PSPs), rather than using conventional stochastic differential equation techniques. A general formulation of this technique is given in terms of the probability distribution of the inputs and the time course of the postsynaptic response. The expressions are evaluated in the gaussian approximation, which gives results that become more accurate for large numbers of small-amplitude PSPs. Second, the probability density of output spikes, which are generated when the potential reaches threshold, is given in terms of an integral involving a conditional probability density. This expression is a generalization of the renewal equation, but it holds for both leaky neurons and situations in which there is no time-translational invariance. The conditional probability density of the potential is calculated using the same technique of integrating over the distribution of arrival times of the afferent PSPs. For inputs with a Poisson distribution, the known analytic solutions for both the perfect integrator model and the Stein model (which incorporates membrane potential leakage) in the diffusion limit are obtained. The interspike interval distribution may also be calculated numerically for models that incorporate both membrane potential leakage and a finite rise time of the postsynaptic response. Plots of the relationship between input and output firing rates, as well as the coefficient of variation, are given, and inputs with varying rates and amplitudes, including inhibitory inputs, are analyzed. The results indicate that neurons functioning near their critical threshold, where the inputs are just sufficient to cause firing, display a large variability in their spike timings.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1999) 11 (4): 871–901.
Published: 15 May 1999
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A new technique for analyzing the probability distribution of output spikes for the integrate-and-fire model is presented. This technique enables us to investigate models with arbitrary synaptic response functions that incorporate both leakage across the membrane and a rise time of the postsynaptic potential. The results, which are compared with numerical simulations, are exact in the limit of a large number of small-amplitude inputs. This method is applied to the synchronization problem, in which we examine the relationship between the spread in arrival times of the inputs (the temporal jitter of the synaptic input) and the resultant spread in the times at which the output spikes are generated (output jitter). The results of previous studies, which indicated that the ratio of the output jitter to the input jitter is consistently less than one and that it decreases for increasing numbers of inputs, are confirmed for three classes of the integrate-and-fire model. In addition to the previously identified factors of axonal propagation times and synaptic jitter, we identify the variation in the spike-generating thresholds of the neurons and the variation in the number of active inputs as being important factors that determine the timing jitter in layered networks. Previously observed phase differences between optimally and suboptimally stimulated neurons may be understood in terms of the relative time taken to reach threshold.