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Brent Doiron
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2009) 21 (10): 2774–2804.
Published: 01 October 2009
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The magnitude of correlations between stimulus-driven responses of pairs of neurons can itself be stimulus dependent. We examine how this dependence affects the information carried by neural populations about the stimuli that drive them. Stimulus-dependent changes in correlations can both carry information directly and modulate the information separately carried by the firing rates and variances. We use Fisher information to quantify these effects and show that, although stimulus-dependent correlations often carry little information directly, their modulatory effects on the overall information can be large. In particular, if the stimulus dependence is such that correlations increase with stimulus-induced firing rates, this can significantly enhance the information of the population when the structure of correlations is determined solely by the stimulus. However, in the presence of additional strong spatial decay of correlations, such stimulus dependence may have a negative impact. Opposite relationships hold when correlations decrease with firing rates.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2005) 17 (10): 2139–2175.
Published: 01 October 2005
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Oscillatory and synchronized neural activities are commonly found in the brain, and evidence suggests that many of them are caused by global feedback. Their mechanisms and roles in information processing have been discussed often using purely feedforward networks or recurrent networks with constant inputs. On the other hand, real recurrent neural networks are abundant and continually receive information-rich inputs from the outside environment or other parts of the brain. We examine how feedforward networks of spiking neurons with delayed global feedback process information about temporally changing inputs. We show that the network behavior is more synchronous as well as more correlated with and phase-locked to the stimulus when the stimulus frequency is resonant with the inherent frequency of the neuron or that of the network oscillation generated by the feedback architecture. The two eigenmodes have distinct dynamical characteristics, which are supported by numerical simulations and by analytical arguments based on frequency response and bifurcation theory. This distinction is similar to the class I versus class II classification of single neurons according to the bifurcation from quiescence to periodic firing, and the two modes depend differently on system parameters. These two mechanisms may be associated with different types of information processing.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2001) 13 (1): 227–248.
Published: 01 January 2001
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The influence of voltage-dependent inhibitory conductances on firing rate versus input current (f-I) curves is studied using simulations from a new compartmental model of a pyramidal cell of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus . The voltage dependence of shunting-type inhibition enhances the subtractive effect of inhibition on f-I curves previously demonstrated in Holt and Koch (1997) for the voltage-independent case. This increased effectiveness is explained using the behavior of the average subthreshold voltage with input current and, in particular, the nonlinearity of Ohm's law in the subthreshold regime. Our simulations also reveal, for both voltage-dependent and -independent inhibitory conductances, a divisive inhibition regime at low frequencies (f < 40 Hz). This regime, dependent on stochastic inhibitory synaptic input and a coupling of inhibitory strength and variance, gives way to subtractive inhibition at higher-output frequencies (f > 40 Hz). A simple leaky integrate- and-fire type model that incorporates the voltage dependence supports the results from our full ionic simulations.