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Chris Eliasmith
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2021) 33 (1): 96–128.
Published: 01 December 2021
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Nonlinear interactions in the dendritic tree play a key role in neural computation. Nevertheless, modeling frameworks aimed at the construction of large-scale, functional spiking neural networks, such as the Neural Engineering Framework, tend to assume a linear superposition of postsynaptic currents. In this letter, we present a series of extensions to the Neural Engineering Framework that facilitate the construction of networks incorporating Dale's principle and nonlinear conductance-based synapses. We apply these extensions to a two-compartment LIF neuron that can be seen as a simple model of passive dendritic computation. We show that it is possible to incorporate neuron models with input-dependent nonlinearities into the Neural Engineering Framework without compromising high-level function and that nonlinear postsynaptic currents can be systematically exploited to compute a wide variety of multivariate, band-limited functions, including the Euclidean norm, controlled shunting, and nonnegative multiplication. By avoiding an additional source of spike noise, the function approximation accuracy of a single layer of two-compartment LIF neurons is on a par with or even surpasses that of two-layer spiking neural networks up to a certain target function bandwidth.
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2021) 33 (8): 2033–2067.
Published: 26 July 2021
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While neural networks are highly effective at learning task-relevant representations from data, they typically do not learn representations with the kind of symbolic structure that is hypothesized to support high-level cognitive processes, nor do they naturally model such structures within problem domains that are continuous in space and time. To fill these gaps, this work exploits a method for defining vector representations that bind discrete (symbol-like) entities to points in continuous topological spaces in order to simulate and predict the behavior of a range of dynamical systems. These vector representations are spatial semantic pointers (SSPs), and we demonstrate that they can (1) be used to model dynamical systems involving multiple objects represented in a symbol-like manner and (2) be integrated with deep neural networks to predict the future of physical trajectories. These results help unify what have traditionally appeared to be disparate approaches in machine learning.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2019) 31 (5): 849–869.
Published: 01 May 2019
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We present a new binding operation, vector-derived transformation binding (VTB), for use in vector symbolic architectures (VSA). The performance of VTB is compared to circular convolution, used in holographic reduced representations (HRRs), in terms of list and stack encoding capacity. A special focus is given to the possibility of a neural implementation by the means of the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF). While the scaling of required neural resources is slightly worse for VTB, it is found to be on par with circular convolution for list encoding and better for encoding of stacks. Furthermore, VTB influences the vector length less, which also benefits a neural implementation. Consequently, we argue that VTB is an improvement over HRRs for neurally implemented VSAs.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2018) 30 (3): 569–609.
Published: 01 March 2018
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Researchers building spiking neural networks face the challenge of improving the biological plausibility of their model networks while maintaining the ability to quantitatively characterize network behavior. In this work, we extend the theory behind the neural engineering framework (NEF), a method of building spiking dynamical networks, to permit the use of a broad class of synapse models while maintaining prescribed dynamics up to a given order. This theory improves our understanding of how low-level synaptic properties alter the accuracy of high-level computations in spiking dynamical networks. For completeness, we provide characterizations for both continuous-time (i.e., analog) and discrete-time (i.e., digital) simulations. We demonstrate the utility of these extensions by mapping an optimal delay line onto various spiking dynamical networks using higher-order models of the synapse. We show that these networks nonlinearly encode rolling windows of input history, using a scale invariant representation, with accuracy depending on the frequency content of the input signal. Finally, we reveal that these methods provide a novel explanation of time cell responses during a delay task, which have been observed throughout hippocampus, striatum, and cortex.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2010) 22 (3): 621–659.
Published: 01 March 2010
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Temporal derivatives are computed by a wide variety of neural circuits, but the problem of performing this computation accurately has received little theoretical study. Here we systematically compare the performance of diverse networks that calculate derivatives using cell-intrinsic adaptation and synaptic depression dynamics, feedforward network dynamics, and recurrent network dynamics. Examples of each type of network are compared by quantifying the errors they introduce into the calculation and their rejection of high-frequency input noise. This comparison is based on both analytical methods and numerical simulations with spiking leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons. Both adapting and feedforward-network circuits provide good performance for signals with frequency bands that are well matched to the time constants of postsynaptic current decay and adaptation, respectively. The synaptic depression circuit performs similarly to the adaptation circuit, although strictly speaking, precisely linear differentiation based on synaptic depression is not possible, because depression scales synaptic weights multiplicatively. Feedback circuits introduce greater errors than functionally equivalent feedforward circuits, but they have the useful property that their dynamics are determined by feedback strength. For this reason, these circuits are better suited for calculating the derivatives of signals that evolve on timescales outside the range of membrane dynamics and, possibly, for providing the wide range of timescales needed for precise fractional-order differentiation.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2008) 20 (6): 1473–1494.
Published: 01 June 2008
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In cortical neural networks, connections from a given neuron are either inhibitory or excitatory but not both. This constraint is often ignored by theoreticians who build models of these systems. There is currently no general solution to the problem of converting such unrealistic network models into biologically plausible models that respect this constraint. We demonstrate a constructive transformation of models that solves this problem for both feedforward and dynamic recurrent networks. The resulting models give a close approximation to the original network functions and temporal dynamics of the system, and they are biologically plausible. More precisely, we identify a general form for the solution to this problem. As a result, we also describe how the precise solution for a given cortical network can be determined empirically.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2005) 17 (6): 1276–1314.
Published: 01 June 2005
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Extending work in Eliasmith and Anderson (2003), we employ a general framework to construct biologically plausible simulations of the three classes of attractor networks relevant for biological systems: static (point, line, ring, and plane) attractors, cyclic attractors, and chaotic attractors. We discuss these attractors in the context of the neural systems that they have been posited to help explain: eye control, working memory, and head direction; locomotion (specifically swimming); and olfaction, respectively. We then demonstrate how to introduce control into these models. The addition of control shows how attractor networks can be used as subsystems in larger neural systems, demonstrates how a much larger class of networks can be related to attractor networks, and makes it clear how attractor networks can be exploited for various information processing tasks in neurobiological systems.