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DJ Strouse
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2019) 31 (3): 596–612.
Published: 01 March 2019
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The information bottleneck (IB) approach to clustering takes a joint distribution P ( X , Y ) and maps the data X to cluster labels T , which retain maximal information about Y (Tishby, Pereira, & Bialek, 1999 ). This objective results in an algorithm that clusters data points based on the similarity of their conditional distributions P ( Y ∣ X ) . This is in contrast to classic geometric clustering algorithms such as k -means and gaussian mixture models (GMMs), which take a set of observed data points { x i } i = 1 : N and cluster them based on their geometric (typically Euclidean) distance from one another. Here, we show how to use the deterministic information bottleneck (DIB) (Strouse & Schwab, 2017 ), a variant of IB, to perform geometric clustering by choosing cluster labels that preserve information about data point location on a smoothed data set. We also introduce a novel intuitive method to choose the number of clusters via kinks in the information curve. We apply this approach to a variety of simple clustering problems, showing that DIB with our model selection procedure recovers the generative cluster labels. We also show that, in particular limits of our model parameters, clustering with DIB and IB is equivalent to k -means and EM fitting of a GMM with hard and soft assignments, respectively. Thus, clustering with (D)IB generalizes and provides an information-theoretic perspective on these classic algorithms.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2017) 29 (6): 1611–1630.
Published: 01 June 2017
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Lossy compression and clustering fundamentally involve a decision about which features are relevant and which are not. The information bottleneck method (IB) by Tishby, Pereira, and Bialek ( 1999 ) formalized this notion as an information-theoretic optimization problem and proposed an optimal trade-off between throwing away as many bits as possible and selectively keeping those that are most important. In the IB, compression is measured by mutual information. Here, we introduce an alternative formulation that replaces mutual information with entropy, which we call the deterministic information bottleneck (DIB) and argue better captures this notion of compression. As suggested by its name, the solution to the DIB problem turns out to be a deterministic encoder, or hard clustering, as opposed to the stochastic encoder, or soft clustering, that is optimal under the IB. We compare the IB and DIB on synthetic data, showing that the IB and DIB perform similarly in terms of the IB cost function, but that the DIB significantly outperforms the IB in terms of the DIB cost function. We also empirically find that the DIB offers a considerable gain in computational efficiency over the IB, over a range of convergence parameters. Our derivation of the DIB also suggests a method for continuously interpolating between the soft clustering of the IB and the hard clustering of the DIB.