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Dagmar Sternad
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2023) 35 (5): 853–895.
Published: 18 April 2023
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Humans are adept at a wide variety of motor skills, including the handling of complex objects and using tools. Advances to understand the control of voluntary goal-directed movements have focused on simple behaviors such as reaching, uncoupled to any additional object dynamics. Under these simplified conditions, basic elements of motor control, such as the roles of body mechanics, objective functions, and sensory feedback, have been characterized. However, these elements have mostly been examined in isolation, and the interactions between these elements have received less attention. This study examined a task with internal dynamics, inspired by the daily skill of transporting a cup of coffee, with additional expected or unexpected perturbations to probe the structure of the controller. Using optimal feedback control (OFC) as the basis, it proved necessary to endow the model of the body with mechanical impedance to generate the kinematic features observed in the human experimental data. The addition of mechanical impedance revealed that simulated movements were no longer sensitively dependent on the objective function, a highly debated cornerstone of optimal control. Further, feedforward replay of the control inputs was similarly successful in coping with perturbations as when feedback, or sensory information, was included. These findings suggest that when the control model incorporates a representation of the mechanical properties of the limb, that is, embodies its dynamics, the specific objective function and sensory feedback become less critical, and complex interactions with dynamic objects can be successfully managed.
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2009) 21 (5): 1335–1370.
Published: 01 May 2009
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Current research on discrete and rhythmic movements differs in both experimental procedures and theory, despite the ubiquitous overlap between discrete and rhythmic components in everyday behaviors. Models of rhythmic movements usually use oscillatory systems mimicking central pattern generators (CPGs). In contrast, models of discrete movements often employ optimization principles, thereby reflecting the higher-level cortical resources involved in the generation of such movements. This letter proposes a unified model for the generation of both rhythmic and discrete movements. We show that a physiologically motivated model of a CPG can not only generate simple rhythmic movements with only a small set of parameters, but can also produce discrete movements if the CPG is fed with an exponentially decaying phasic input. We further show that a particular coupling between two of these units can reproduce main findings on in-phase and antiphase stability. Finally, we propose an integrated model of combined rhythmic and discrete movements for the two hands. These movement classes are sequentially addressed in this letter with increasing model complexity. The model variations are discussed in relation to the degree of recruitment of the higher-level cortical resources, necessary for such movements.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2008) 20 (1): 205–226.
Published: 01 January 2008
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The question of how best to model rhythmic movements at self-selected amplitude-frequency combinations, and their variability, is a long-standing issue. This study presents a systematic analysis of a coupled oscillator system that has successfully accounted for the experimental result that humans' preferred oscillation frequencies closely correspond to the linear resonance frequencies of the biomechanical limb systems, a phenomenon known as resonance tuning or frequency scaling. The dynamics of the coupled oscillator model is explored by numerical integration in different areas of its parameter space, where a period doubling route to chaotic dynamics is discovered. It is shown that even in the regions of the parameter space with chaotic solutions, the model still effectively scales to the biomechanical oscillator's natural frequency. Hence, there is a solution providing for frequency scaling in the presence of chaotic variability. The implications of these results for interpreting variability as fundamentally stochastic or chaotic are discussed.