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David J. Miller
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2021) 33 (5): 1329–1371.
Published: 13 April 2021
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Backdoor data poisoning attacks add mislabeled examples to the training set, with an embedded backdoor pattern, so that the classifier learns to classify to a target class whenever the backdoor pattern is present in a test sample. Here, we address posttraining detection of scene-plausible perceptible backdoors, a type of backdoor attack that can be relatively easily fashioned, particularly against DNN image classifiers. A post-training defender does not have access to the potentially poisoned training set, only to the trained classifier, as well as some unpoisoned examples that need not be training samples. Without the poisoned training set, the only information about a backdoor pattern is encoded in the DNN's trained weights. This detection scenario is of great import considering legacy and proprietary systems, cell phone apps, as well as training outsourcing, where the user of the classifier will not have access to the entire training set. We identify two important properties of scene-plausible perceptible backdoor patterns, spatial invariance and robustness, based on which we propose a novel detector using the maximum achievable misclassification fraction (MAMF) statistic. We detect whether the trained DNN has been backdoor-attacked and infer the source and target classes. Our detector outperforms existing detectors and, coupled with an imperceptible backdoor detector, helps achieve posttraining detection of most evasive backdoors of interest.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2018) 30 (9): 2500–2529.
Published: 01 September 2018
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Estimation of a generating partition is critical for symbolization of measurements from discrete-time dynamical systems, where a sequence of symbols from a (finite-cardinality) alphabet may uniquely specify the underlying time series. Such symbolization is useful for computing measures (e.g., Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy) to identify or characterize the (possibly unknown) dynamical system. It is also useful for time series classification and anomaly detection. The seminal work of Hirata, Judd, and Kilminster ( 2004 ) derives a novel objective function, akin to a clustering objective, that measures the discrepancy between a set of reconstruction values and the points from the time series. They cast estimation of a generating partition via the minimization of their objective function. Unfortunately, their proposed algorithm is nonconvergent, with no guarantee of finding even locally optimal solutions with respect to their objective. The difficulty is a heuristic nearest neighbor symbol assignment step. Alternatively, we develop a novel, locally optimal algorithm for their objective. We apply iterative nearest-neighbor symbol assignments with guaranteed discrepancy descent, by which joint, locally optimal symbolization of the entire time series is achieved. While most previous approaches frame generating partition estimation as a state-space partitioning problem, we recognize that minimizing the Hirata et al. ( 2004 ) objective function does not induce an explicit partitioning of the state space, but rather the space consisting of the entire time series (effectively, clustering in a (countably) infinite-dimensional space). Our approach also amounts to a novel type of sliding block lossy source coding. Improvement, with respect to several measures, is demonstrated over popular methods for symbolizing chaotic maps. We also apply our approach to time-series anomaly detection, considering both chaotic maps and failure application in a polycrystalline alloy material.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2017) 29 (4): 1053–1102.
Published: 01 April 2017
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Many classification tasks require both labeling objects and determining label associations for parts of each object. Example applications include labeling segments of images or determining relevant parts of a text document when the training labels are available only at the image or document level. This task is usually referred to as multi-instance (MI) learning, where the learner typically receives a collection of labeled (or sometimes unlabeled) bags, each containing several segments (instances). We propose a semisupervised MI learning method for multilabel classification. Most MI learning methods treat instances in each bag as independent and identically distributed samples. However, in many practical applications, instances are related to each other and should not be considered independent. Our model discovers a latent low-dimensional space that captures structure within each bag. Further, unlike many other MI learning methods, which are primarily developed for binary classification, we model multiple classes jointly, thus also capturing possible dependencies between different classes. We develop our model within a semisupervised framework, which leverages both labeled and, typically, a larger set of unlabeled bags for training. We develop several efficient inference methods for our model. We first introduce a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for inference, which can handle arbitrary relations between bag labels and instance labels, including the standard hard-max MI assumption. We also develop an extension of our model that uses stochastic variational Bayes methods for inference, and thus scales better to massive data sets. Experiments show that our approach outperforms several MI learning and standard classification methods on both bag-level and instance-level label prediction. All code for replicating our experiments is available from .
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2012) 24 (7): 1926–1966.
Published: 01 July 2012
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We introduce new inductive, generative semisupervised mixtures with more finely grained class label generation mechanisms than in previous work. Our models combine advantages of semisupervised mixtures, which achieve label extrapolation over a component, and nearest-neighbor (NN)/nearest-prototype (NP) classification, which achieve accurate classification in the vicinity of labeled samples or prototypes. For our NN-based method, we propose a novel two-stage stochastic data generation, with all samples first generated using a standard finite mixture and then all class labels generated, conditioned on the samples and their components of origin. This mechanism entails an underlying Markov random field, specific to each mixture component or cluster. We invoke the pseudo-likelihood formulation, which forms the basis for an approximate generalized expectation-maximization model learning algorithm. Our NP-based model overcomes a problem with the NN-based model that manifests at very low labeled fractions. Both models are advantageous when within-component class proportions are not constant over the feature space region “owned by” a component. The practicality of this scenario is borne out by experiments on UC Irvine data sets, which demonstrate significant gains in classification accuracy over previous semisupervised mixtures and also overall gains, over KNN classification. Moreover, for very small labeled fractions, our methods overall outperform supervised linear and nonlinear kernel support vector machines.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2007) 19 (3): 856–884.
Published: 01 March 2007
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We consider ensemble classification for the case where there is no common labeled training data for jointly designing the individual classifiers and the function that aggregates their decisions. This problem, which we call distributed ensemble classification , applies when individual classifiers operate (perhaps remotely) on different sensing modalities and when combining proprietary or legacy classifiers. The conventional wisdom in this case is to apply fixed rules of combination such as voting methods or rules for aggregating probabilities. Alternatively, we take a transductive approach, optimizing the combining rule for an objective function measured on the unlabeled batch of test data. We propose maximum likelihood (ML) objectives that are shown to yield well-known forms of probabilistic aggregation, albeit with iterative, expectation-maximization-based adjustment to account for mismatch between class priors used by individual classifiers and those reflected in the new data batch. These methods are extensions, for the ensemble case, of the work of Saerens, Latinne, and Decaestecker (2002). We also propose an information-theoretic method that generally outperforms the ML methods, better handles classifier redundancies, and addresses some scenarios where the ML methods are not applicable. This method also well handles the case of missing classes in the test batch. On UC Irvine benchmark data, all our methods give improvements in classification accuracy over the use of fixed rules when there is prior mismatch.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2005) 17 (11): 2482–2507.
Published: 01 November 2005
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The goal of semisupervised clustering/mixture modeling is to learn the underlying groups comprising a given data set when there is also some form of instance-level supervision available, usually in the form of labels or pairwise sample constraints. Most prior work with constraints assumes the number of classes is known, with each learned cluster assumed to be a class and, hence, subject to the given class constraints. When the number of classes is unknown or when the one-cluster-per-class assumption is not valid, the use of constraints may actually be deleterious to learning the ground-truth data groups. We address this by (1) allowing allocation of multiple mixture components to individual classes and (2) estimating both the number of components and the number of classes. We also address new class discovery, with components void of constraints treated as putative unknown classes. For both real-world and synthetic data, our method is shown to accurately estimate the number of classes and to give favorable comparison with the recent approach of Shental, Bar-Hillel, Hertz, and Weinshall (2003).
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2000) 12 (9): 2175–2207.
Published: 01 September 2000
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We propose a new learning method for discrete space statistical classifiers. Similar to Chow and Liu (1968) and Cheeseman (1983), we cast classification/inference within the more general framework of estimating the joint probability mass function (p.m.f.) for the (feature vector, class label) pair. Cheeseman's proposal to build the maximum entropy (ME) joint p.m.f. consistent with general lower-order probability constraints is in principle powerful, allowing general dependencies between features. However, enormous learning complexity has severely limited the use of this approach. Alternative models such as Bayesian networks (BNs) require explicit determination of conditional independencies. These may be difficult to assess given limited data. Here we propose an approximate ME method, which, like previous methods, incorporates general constraints while retaining quite tractable learning. The new method restricts joint p.m.f. support during learning to a small subset of the full feature space. Classification gains are realized over dependence trees, tree-augmented naive Bayes networks, BNs trained by the Kutato algorithm, and multilayer perceptrons. Extensions to more general inference problems are indicated. We also propose a novel exact inference method when there are several missing features.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1998) 10 (2): 281–293.
Published: 15 February 1998
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We show that the decision function of a radial basis function (RBF) classifier is equivalent in form to the Bayes-optimal discriminant associated with a special kind of mixture-based statistical model. The relevant mixture model is a type of mixture-of-experts model for which class labels, like continuous-valued features, are assumed to have been generated randomly, conditional on the mixture component of origin. The new interpretation shows that RBF classifiers effectively assume a probability model, which, moreover, is easily determined given the designed RBF. This interpretation also suggests a statistical learning objective as an alternative to standard methods for designing the RBF-equivalent models. The statistical objective is especially useful for incorporating unlabeled data to enhance learning. Finally, it is observed that any new data to classify are simply additional unlabeled data. Thus, we suggest a combined learning and use paradigm, to be invoked whenever there are new data to classify.