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Dean V. Buonomano
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2018) 30 (2): 378–396.
Published: 01 February 2018
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Brain activity evolves through time, creating trajectories of activity that underlie sensorimotor processing, behavior, and learning and memory. Therefore, understanding the temporal nature of neural dynamics is essential to understanding brain function and behavior. In vivo studies have demonstrated that sequential transient activation of neurons can encode time. However, it remains unclear whether these patterns emerge from feedforward network architectures or from recurrent networks and, furthermore, what role network structure plays in timing. We address these issues using a recurrent neural network (RNN) model with distinct populations of excitatory and inhibitory units. Consistent with experimental data, a single RNN could autonomously produce multiple functionally feedforward trajectories, thus potentially encoding multiple timed motor patterns lasting up to several seconds. Importantly, the model accounted for Weber's law, a hallmark of timing behavior. Analysis of network connectivity revealed that efficiency—a measure of network interconnectedness—decreased as the number of stored trajectories increased. Additionally, the balance of excitation (E) and inhibition (I) shifted toward excitation during each unit's activation time, generating the prediction that observed sequential activity relies on dynamic control of the E/I balance. Our results establish for the first time that the same RNN can generate multiple functionally feedforward patterns of activity as a result of dynamic shifts in the E/I balance imposed by the connectome of the RNN. We conclude that recurrent network architectures account for sequential neural activity, as well as for a fundamental signature of timing behavior: Weber's law.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2012) 24 (10): 2579–2603.
Published: 01 October 2012
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The discrimination of complex auditory stimuli relies on the spatiotemporal structure of spike patterns arriving in the cortex. While recordings from auditory areas reveal that many neurons are highly selective to specific spatiotemporal stimuli, the mechanisms underlying this selectivity are unknown. Using computer simulations, we show that selectivity can emerge in neurons in an entirely unsupervised manner. The model is based on recurrently connected spiking neurons and synapses that exhibit short-term synaptic plasticity. During a developmental stage, spoken digits were presented to the network; the only type of long-term plasticity present was a form of homeostatic synaptic plasticity. From an initially unresponsive state, training generated a high percentage of neurons that responded selectively to individual digits. Furthermore, units within the network exhibited a cardinal feature of vocalization-sensitive neurons in vivo: differential responses between forward and reverse stimulus presentations. Direction selectivity deteriorated significantly, however, if short-term synaptic plasticity was removed. These results establish that a simple form of homeostatic plasticity is capable of guiding recurrent networks into regimes in which complex stimuli can be discriminated. In addition, one computational function of short-term synaptic plasticity may be to provide an inherent temporal asymmetry, thus contributing to the characteristic forward-reverse selectivity.
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1999) 11 (1): 103–116.
Published: 01 January 1999
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Numerous studies have suggested that the brain may encode information in the temporal firing pattern of neurons. However, little is known regarding how information may come to be temporally encoded and about the potential computational advantages of temporal coding. Here, it is shown that local inhibition may underlie the temporal encoding of spatial images. As a result of inhibition, the response of a given cell can be significantly modulated by stimulus features outside its own receptive field. Feedforward and lateral inhibition can modulate both the firing rate and temporal features, such as latency. In this article, it is shown that a simple neural network model can use local inhibition to generate temporal codes of handwritten numbers. The temporal encoding of a spatial patterns has the interesting and computationally beneficial feature of exhibiting position invariance. This work demonstrates a manner by which the nervous system may generate temporal codes and shows that temporal encoding can be used to create position-invariant codes.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1994) 6 (1): 38–55.
Published: 01 January 1994
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Substantial evidence has established that the cerebellum plays an important role in the generation of movements. An important aspect of motor output is its timing in relation to external stimuli or to other components of a movement. Previous studies suggest that the cerebellum plays a role in the timing of movements. Here we describe a neural network model based on the synaptic organization of the cerebellum that can generate timed responses in the range of tens of milliseconds to seconds. In contrast to previous models, temporal coding emerges from the dynamics of the cerebellar circuitry and depends neither on conduction delays, arrays of elements with different time constants, nor populations of elements oscillating at different frequencies. Instead, time is extracted from the instantaneous granule cell population vector. The subset of active granule cells is time-varying due to the granule—Golgi—granule cell negative feedback. We demonstrate that the population vector of simulated granule cell activity exhibits dynamic, nonperiodic trajectories in response to a periodic input. With time encoded in this manner, the output of the network at a particular interval following the onset of a stimulus can be altered selectively by changing the strength of granule → Purkinje cell connections for those granule cells that are active during the target time window. The memory of the reinforcement at that interval is subsequently expressed as a change in Purkinje cell activity that is appropriately timed with respect to stimulus onset. Thus, the present model demonstrates that a network based on cerebellar circuitry can learn appropriately timed responses by encoding time as the population vector of granule cell activity.