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Friedrich T. Sommer
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2023) 35 (7): 1159–1186.
Published: 12 June 2023
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We investigate the task of retrieving information from compositional distributed representations formed by hyperdimensional computing/vector symbolic architectures and present novel techniques that achieve new information rate bounds. First, we provide an overview of the decoding techniques that can be used to approach the retrieval task. The techniques are categorized into four groups. We then evaluate the considered techniques in several settings that involve, for example, inclusion of external noise and storage elements with reduced precision. In particular, we find that the decoding techniques from the sparse coding and compressed sensing literature (rarely used for hyperdimensional computing/vector symbolic architectures) are also well suited for decoding information from the compositional distributed representations. Combining these decoding techniques with interference cancellation ideas from communications improves previously reported bounds (Hersche et al., 2021 ) of the information rate of the distributed representations from 1.20 to 1.40 bits per dimension for smaller codebooks and from 0.60 to 1.26 bits per dimension for larger codebooks.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2020) 32 (12): 2311–2331.
Published: 01 December 2020
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The ability to encode and manipulate data structures with distributed neural representations could qualitatively enhance the capabilities of traditional neural networks by supporting rule-based symbolic reasoning, a central property of cognition. Here we show how this may be accomplished within the framework of Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSAs) (Plate, 1991 ; Gayler, 1998 ; Kanerva, 1996 ), whereby data structures are encoded by combining high-dimensional vectors with operations that together form an algebra on the space of distributed representations. In particular, we propose an efficient solution to a hard combinatorial search problem that arises when decoding elements of a VSA data structure: the factorization of products of multiple codevectors. Our proposed algorithm, called a resonator network, is a new type of recurrent neural network that interleaves VSA multiplication operations and pattern completion. We show in two examples—parsing of a tree-like data structure and parsing of a visual scene—how the factorization problem arises and how the resonator network can solve it. More broadly, resonator networks open the possibility of applying VSAs to myriad artificial intelligence problems in real-world domains. The companion article in this issue (Kent, Frady, Sommer, & Olshausen, 2020 ) presents a rigorous analysis and evaluation of the performance of resonator networks, showing it outperforms alternative approaches.
Journal Articles
Resonator Networks, 2: Factorization Performance and Capacity Compared to Optimization-Based Methods
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2020) 32 (12): 2332–2388.
Published: 01 December 2020
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We develop theoretical foundations of resonator networks, a new type of recurrent neural network introduced in Frady, Kent, Olshausen, and Sommer ( 2020 ), a companion article in this issue, to solve a high-dimensional vector factorization problem arising in Vector Symbolic Architectures. Given a composite vector formed by the Hadamard product between a discrete set of high-dimensional vectors, a resonator network can efficiently decompose the composite into these factors. We compare the performance of resonator networks against optimization-based methods, including Alternating Least Squares and several gradient-based algorithms, showing that resonator networks are superior in several important ways. This advantage is achieved by leveraging a combination of nonlinear dynamics and searching in superposition, by which estimates of the correct solution are formed from a weighted superposition of all possible solutions. While the alternative methods also search in superposition, the dynamics of resonator networks allow them to strike a more effective balance between exploring the solution space and exploiting local information to drive the network toward probable solutions. Resonator networks are not guaranteed to converge, but within a particular regime they almost always do. In exchange for relaxing the guarantee of global convergence, resonator networks are dramatically more effective at finding factorizations than all alternative approaches considered.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2018) 30 (6): 1449–1513.
Published: 01 June 2018
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To accommodate structured approaches of neural computation, we propose a class of recurrent neural networks for indexing and storing sequences of symbols or analog data vectors. These networks with randomized input weights and orthogonal recurrent weights implement coding principles previously described in vector symbolic architectures (VSA) and leverage properties of reservoir computing. In general, the storage in reservoir computing is lossy, and crosstalk noise limits the retrieval accuracy and information capacity. A novel theory to optimize memory performance in such networks is presented and compared with simulation experiments. The theory describes linear readout of analog data and readout with winner-take-all error correction of symbolic data as proposed in VSA models. We find that diverse VSA models from the literature have universal performance properties, which are superior to what previous analyses predicted. Further, we propose novel VSA models with the statistically optimal Wiener filter in the readout that exhibit much higher information capacity, in particular for storing analog data. The theory we present also applies to memory buffers, networks with gradual forgetting, which can operate on infinite data streams without memory overflow. Interestingly, we find that different forgetting mechanisms, such as attenuating recurrent weights or neural nonlinearities, produce very similar behavior if the forgetting time constants are matched. Such models exhibit extensive capacity when their forgetting time constant is optimized for given noise conditions and network size. These results enable the design of new types of VSA models for the online processing of data streams.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2010) 22 (2): 289–341.
Published: 01 February 2010
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Neural associative networks with plastic synapses have been proposed as computational models of brain functions and also for applications such as pattern recognition and information retrieval. To guide biological models and optimize technical applications, several definitions of memory capacity have been used to measure the efficiency of associative memory. Here we explain why the currently used performance measures bias the comparison between models and cannot serve as a theoretical benchmark. We introduce fair measures for information-theoretic capacity in associative memory that also provide a theoretical benchmark. In neural networks, two types of manipulating synapses can be discerned: synaptic plasticity , the change in strength of existing synapses, and structural plasticity , the creation and pruning of synapses. One of the new types of memory capacity we introduce permits quantifying how structural plasticity can increase the network efficiency by compressing the network structure, for example, by pruning unused synapses. Specifically, we analyze operating regimes in the Willshaw model in which structural plasticity can compress the network structure and push performance to the theoretical benchmark. The amount C of information stored in each synapse can scale with the logarithm of the network size rather than being constant, as in classical Willshaw and Hopfield nets ( ⩽ ln 2 ≈ 0.7 ). Further, the review contains novel technical material: a capacity analysis of the Willshaw model that rigorously controls for the level of retrieval quality, an analysis for memories with a nonconstant number of active units (where C ⩽ 1/eln 2 ≈ 0.53 ), and the analysis of the computational complexity of associative memories with and without network compression.