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Henry C. Tuckwell
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2016) 28 (10): 2129–2161.
Published: 01 October 2016
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We consider a classical space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley model neuron stimulated by synaptic excitation and inhibition with conductances represented by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Using numerical solutions of the stochastic model system obtained by an Euler method, it is found that with excitation only, there is a critical value of the steady-state excitatory conductance for repetitive spiking without noise, and for values of the conductance near the critical value, small noise has a powerfully inhibitory effect. For a given level of inhibition, there is also a critical value of the steady-state excitatory conductance for repetitive firing, and it is demonstrated that noise in either the excitatory or inhibitory processes or both can powerfully inhibit spiking. Furthermore, near the critical value, inverse stochastic resonance was observed when noise was present only in the inhibitory input process. The system of deterministic differential equations for the approximate first- and second-order moments of the model is derived. They are solved using Runge-Kutta methods, and the solutions are compared with the results obtained by simulation for various sets of parameters, including some with conductances obtained by experiment on pyramidal cells of rat prefrontal cortex. The mean and variance obtained from simulation are in good agreement when there is spiking induced by strong stimulation and relatively small noise or when the voltage is fluctuating at subthreshold levels. In the occasional spike mode sometimes exhibited by spinal motoneurons and cortical pyramidal cells, the assumptions underlying the moment equation approach are not satisfied. The simulation results show that noisy synaptic input of either an excitatory or inhibitory character or both may lead to the suppression of firing in neurons operating near a critical point and this has possible implications for cortical networks. Although suppression of firing is corroborated for the system of moment equations, there seem to be substantial differences between the dynamical properties of the original system of stochastic differential equations and the much larger system of moment equations.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2008) 20 (12): 3003–3033.
Published: 01 December 2008
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For the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system with space-time white noise, we use numerical methods to consider the generation of action potentials and the reliability of transmission in the presence of noise. The accuracy of simulated solutions is verified by comparison with known exact analytical results. Noise of small amplitude may prevent transmission directly, whereas larger-amplitude noise may also interfere by producing secondary nonlocal responses. The probability of transmission as a function of noise amplitude is found for both uniform noise and noise restricted to a patch. For certain parameter ranges, the recovery variable may be neglected to give a single-component nonlinear diffusion with space-time white noise. In this case, analytical results are obtained for small perturbations and noise, which agree well with simulation results. For the voltage variable, expressions are given for the mean, covariance, and variance and their steady-state forms. The spectral density of the voltage is also obtained. Numerical examples are given of the difference between the properties of nonlinear and linear cables, and the validity of the expressions obtained for the statistical properties is investigated as a function of noise amplitude. For given parameters, analytical results are in good agreement with simulation until a certain critical noise amplitude is reached, which can be estimated. The role of trigger zones in increasing the reliability of transmission is discussed.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2003) 15 (1): 143–159.
Published: 01 January 2003
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We present for the first time an analytical approach for determining the time of firing of multicomponent nonlinear stochastic neuronal models. We apply the theory of first exit times for Markov processes to the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system with a constant mean gaussian white noise input, representing stochastic excitation and inhibition. Partial differential equations are obtained for the moments of the time to first spike. The observation that the recovery variable barely changes in the prespike trajectory leads to an accurate one-dimensional approximation. For the moments of the time to reach threshold, this leads to ordinary differential equations that may be easily solved. Several analytical approaches are explored that involve perturbation expansions for large and small values of the noise parameter. For ranges of the parameters appropriate for these asymptotic methods, the perturbation solutions are used to establish the validity of the one-dimensional approximation for both small and large values of the noise parameter. Additional verification is obtained with the excellent agreement between the mean and variance of the firing time found by numerical solution of the differential equations for the one-dimensional approximation and those obtained by simulation of the solutions of the model stochastic differential equations. Such agreement extends to intermediate values of the noise parameter. For the mean time to threshold, we find maxima at small noise values that constitute a form of stochastic resonance. We also investigate the dependence of the mean firing time on the initial values of the voltage and recovery variables when the input current has zero mean.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2000) 12 (12): 2777–2795.
Published: 01 December 2000
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The use of sets of spatiotemporal cortical potential distributions (CPDs) as the basis for cognitive information processing results in a very large space of cognitive elements with natural metrics. Results obtained from current source density (CSD) analysis suggest that in the CPD picture, action potentials may make only a relatively minor contribution to the brain's code. In order to establish if two CPDs are close, we consider standard metrics in spaces of continuous functions, and these may be employed to ascertain if two stimuli will be identified as the same. The correspondence between the electrical activity within brain regions, including not only action potentials but all postsynaptic potentials (PSPs), and CPDs is considered. We examine the possibility of using the CSD approach to find potential distributions using the descriptive approach in which precise sets of times are ascribed to the occurrence of action potentials and PSPs. Using metrics in the multidimensional space of paths of collections of point processes, we show that closeness of CPDs is implied by closeness of sets of spike times and PSP times if a certain metric is used but not others. We also set forth a dynamical model consisting of a system of reaction-diffusion equations for ionic concentrations coupled with nerve membrane potential equations and active transport systems. Making the approximation of a descriptive approach, the correspondence between sets of spike times and PSP times and CPDs is obtained as with the CSD method. However, since it is not possible to ascribe precise times to the occurrence of PSPs and action potentials, the descriptive approach cannot be used to describe the configuration of electrical activity in cortical regions accurately. We also discuss how the CPD framework relates to the binding problem and submillisecond timing.