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Jing Wang
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2018) 30 (4): 1080–1103.
Published: 01 April 2018
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Most existing multiview clustering methods require that graph matrices in different views are computed beforehand and that each graph is obtained independently. However, this requirement ignores the correlation between multiple views. In this letter, we tackle the problem of multiview clustering by jointly optimizing the graph matrix to make full use of the data correlation between views. With the interview correlation, a concept factorization–based multiview clustering method is developed for data integration, and the adaptive method correlates the affinity weights of all views. This method differs from nonnegative matrix factorization–based clustering methods in that it can be applicable to data sets containing negative values. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy, normalized mutual information, and purity.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2016) 28 (4): 652–666.
Published: 01 April 2016
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Ramping neuronal activity refers to spiking activity with a rate that increases quasi-linearly over time. It has been observed in multiple cortical areas and is correlated with evidence accumulation processes or timing. In this work, we investigated the downstream effect of ramping neuronal activity through synapses that display short-term facilitation (STF) or depression (STD). We obtained an analytical result for a synapse driven by deterministic linear ramping input that exhibits pure STF or STD and numerically investigated the general case when a synapse displays both STF and STD. We show that the analytical deterministic solution gives an accurate description of the averaging synaptic activation of many inputs converging onto a postsynaptic neuron, even when fluctuations in the ramping input are strong. Activation of a synapse with STF shows an initial cubical increase with time, followed by a linear ramping similar to a synapse without STF. Activation of a synapse with STD grows in time to a maximum before falling and reaching a plateau, and this steady state is independent of the slope of the ramping input. For a synapse displaying both STF and STD, an increase in the depression time constant from a value much smaller than the facilitation time constant to a value much larger than leads to a transition from facilitation dominance to depression dominance. Therefore, our work provides insights into the impact of ramping neuronal activity on downstream neurons through synapses that display short-term plasticity. In a perceptual decision-making process, ramping activity has been observed in the parietal and prefrontal cortices, with a slope that decreases with task difficulty. Our work predicts that neurons downstream from such a decision circuit could instead display a firing plateau independent of the task difficulty, provided that the synaptic connection is endowed with short-term depression.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2013) 25 (7): 1732–1767.
Published: 01 July 2013
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The activity of neurons is correlated, and this correlation affects how the brain processes information. We study the neural circuit mechanisms of correlations by analyzing a network model characterized by strong and heterogeneous interactions: excitatory input drives the fluctuations of neural activity, which are counterbalanced by inhibitory feedback. In particular, excitatory input tends to correlate neurons, while inhibitory feedback reduces correlations. We demonstrate that heterogeneity of synaptic connections is necessary for this inhibition of correlations. We calculate statistical averages over the disordered synaptic interactions and apply our findings to both a simple linear model and a more realistic spiking network model. We find that correlations at zero time lag are positive and of magnitude , where K is the number of connections to a neuron. Correlations at longer timescales are of smaller magnitude, of order K −1 , implying that inhibition of correlations occurs quickly, on a timescale of . The small magnitude of correlations agrees qualitatively with physiological measurements in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia. The model could be used to study correlations in brain regions dominated by recurrent inhibition, such as the striatum and globus pallidus.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2007) 19 (1): 1–46.
Published: 01 January 2007
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Spike trains from cortical neurons show a high degree of irregularity, with coefficients of variation (CV) of their interspike interval (ISI) distribution close to or higher than one. It has been suggested that this irregularity might be a reflection of a particular dynamical state of the local cortical circuit in which excitation and inhibition balance each other. In this “balanced” state, the mean current to the neurons is below threshold, and firing is driven by current fluctuations, resulting in irregular Poisson-like spike trains. Recent data show that the degree of irregularity in neuronal spike trains recorded during the delay period of working memory experiments is the same for both low-activity states of a few Hz and for elevated, persistent activity states of a few tens of Hz. Since the difference between these persistent activity states cannot be due to external factors coming from sensory inputs, this suggests that the underlying network dynamics might support coexisting balanced states at different firing rates. We use mean field techniques to study the possible existence of multiple balanced steady states in recurrent networks of current-based leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons. To assess the degree of balance of a steady state, we extend existing mean-field theories so that not only the firing rate, but also the coefficient of variation of the interspike interval distribution of the neurons, are determined self-consistently. Depending on the connectivity parameters of the network, we find bistable solutions of different types. If the local recurrent connectivity is mainly excitatory, the two stable steady states differ mainly in the mean current to the neurons. In this case, the mean drive in the elevated persistent activity state is suprathreshold and typically characterized by low spiking irregularity. If the local recurrent excitatory and inhibitory drives are both large and nearly balanced, or even dominated by inhibition, two stable states coexist, both with subthreshold current drive. In this case, the spiking variability in both the resting state and the mnemonic persistent state is large, but the balance condition implies parameter fine-tuning. Since the degree of required fine-tuning increases with network size and, on the other hand, the size of the fluctuations in the afferent current to the cells increases for small networks, overall we find that fluctuation-driven persistent activity in the very simplified type of models we analyze is not a robust phenomenon. Possible implications of considering more realistic models are discussed.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1992) 4 (1): 84–97.
Published: 01 January 1992
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We study pacemaker rhythms generated by two nonoscillatory model cells that are coupled by inhibitory synapses. A minimal ionic model that exhibits postinhibitory rebound (PIR) is presented. When the post-synaptic conductance depends instantaneously on presynaptic potential the classical alternating rhythm is obtained. Using phase-plane analysis we identify two underlying mechanisms, “release” and “escape,” for the out-of-phase oscillation. When the postsynaptic conductance is not instantaneous but decays slowly, the two cells can oscillate synchronously with no phase difference. In each case, different stable activity patterns can coexist over a substantial parameter range.