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John G. Elias
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1997) 9 (2): 419–440.
Published: 15 February 1997
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A simple circuit is described that functions as an analog memory whose state and dynamics are directly controlled by pulsatile inputs. The circuit has been incorporated into a silicon neuron with a spatially extensive dendritic tree as a means of controlling the spike firing threshold of an integrate-and-fire soma. Spiking activity generated by the neuron itself and by other units in a network can thereby regulate the neuron's excitability over time periods ranging from milliseconds to many minutes. Experimental results are presented showing applications to temporal edge sharpening, bistable behavior, and a network that learns in the manner of classical conditioning.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1996) 8 (6): 1245–1265.
Published: 01 August 1996
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A dendritic tree, as part of a silicon neuromorph, was modeled in VLSI as a multibranched, passive cable structure with multiple synaptic sites that either depolarize or hyperpolarize local “membrane patches,” thereby raising or lowering the probability of spike generation of an integrate-and-fire “soma.” As expected from previous theoretical analyses, contemporaneous synaptic activation at widely separated sites on the artificial tree resulted in near-linear summation, as did neighboring excitatory and inhibitory activations. Activation of synapses of the same type close in time and space produced local saturation of potential, resulting in spike train processing capabilities not possible with linear summation alone. The resulting sublinear synaptic summation, as well as being physiologically plausible, is sufficient for a variety of spike train processing functions. With the appropriate arrangement of synaptic inputs on its dendritic tree, a neuromorph was shown to discriminate input pulse intervals and patterns, pulse train frequencies, and detect correlation between input trains.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1993) 5 (4): 648–664.
Published: 01 July 1993
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The electronic architecture and dynamic signal processing capabilities of an artificial dendritic tree that can be used to process and classify dynamic signals is described. The electrical circuit architecture is modeled after neurons that have spatially extensive dendritic trees. The artificial dendritic tree is a hybrid VLSI circuit and is sensitive to both temporal and spatial signal characteristics. It does not use the conventional neural network concept of weights, and as such it does not use multipliers, adders, look-up-tables, microprocessors, or other complex computational units to process signals. The weights of conventional neural networks, which take the form of numerical, resistive, voltage, or current values, but do not have any spatial or temporal content, are replaced with connections whose spatial location have both a temporal and scaling significance.