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Kechen Zhang
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2018) 30 (4): 885–944.
Published: 01 April 2018
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While Shannon's mutual information has widespread applications in many disciplines, for practical applications it is often difficult to calculate its value accurately for high-dimensional variables because of the curse of dimensionality. This article focuses on effective approximation methods for evaluating mutual information in the context of neural population coding. For large but finite neural populations, we derive several information-theoretic asymptotic bounds and approximation formulas that remain valid in high-dimensional spaces. We prove that optimizing the population density distribution based on these approximation formulas is a convex optimization problem that allows efficient numerical solutions. Numerical simulation results confirmed that our asymptotic formulas were highly accurate for approximating mutual information for large neural populations. In special cases, the approximation formulas are exactly equal to the true mutual information. We also discuss techniques of variable transformation and dimensionality reduction to facilitate computation of the approximations.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2011) 23 (9): 2242–2288.
Published: 01 September 2011
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The stimulus-response relationship of many sensory neurons is nonlinear, but fully quantifying this relationship by a complex nonlinear model may require too much data to be experimentally tractable. Here we present a theoretical study of a general two-stage computational method that may help to significantly reduce the number of stimuli needed to obtain an accurate mathematical description of nonlinear neural responses. Our method of active data collection first adaptively generates stimuli that are optimal for estimating the parameters of competing nonlinear models and then uses these estimates to generate stimuli online that are optimal for discriminating these models. We applied our method to simple hierarchical circuit models, including nonlinear networks built on the spatiotemporal or spectral-temporal receptive fields, and confirmed that collecting data using our two-stage adaptive algorithm was far more effective for estimating and comparing competing nonlinear sensory processing models than standard nonadaptive methods using random stimuli.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2010) 22 (1): 1–47.
Published: 01 January 2010
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It is generally unknown when distinct neural networks having different synaptic weights and thresholds implement identical input-output transformations. Determining the exact conditions for structurally distinct yet functionally equivalent networks may shed light on the theoretical constraints on how diverse neural circuits might develop and be maintained to serve identical functions. Such consideration also imposes practical limits on our ability to uniquely infer the structure of underlying neural circuits from stimulus-response measurements. We introduce a biologically inspired mathematical method for determining when the structure of a neural network can be perturbed gradually while preserving functionality. We show that for common three-layer networks with convergent and nondegenerate connection weights, this is possible only when the hidden unit gains are power functions, exponentials, or logarithmic functions, which are known to approximate the gains seen in some biological neurons. For practical applications, our numerical simulations with finite and noisy data show that continuous confounding of parameters due to network functional equivalence tends to occur approximately even when the gain function is not one of the aforementioned three types, suggesting that our analytical results are applicable to more general situations and may help identify a common source of parameter variability in neural network modeling.
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2008) 20 (3): 668–708.
Published: 01 March 2008
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Identifying the optimal stimuli for a sensory neuron is often a difficult process involving trial and error. By analyzing the relationship between stimuli and responses in feedforward and stable recurrent neural network models, we find that the stimulus yielding the maximum firing rate response always lies on the topological boundary of the collection of all allowable stimuli, provided that individual neurons have increasing input-output relations or gain functions and that the synaptic connections are convergent between layers with nondegenerate weight matrices. This result suggests that in neurophysiological experiments under these conditions, only stimuli on the boundary need to be tested in order to maximize the response, thereby potentially reducing the number of trials needed for finding the most effective stimuli. Even when the gain functions allow firing rate cutoff or saturation, a peak still cannot exist in the stimulus-response relation in the sense that moving away from the optimum stimulus always reduces the response. We further demonstrate that the condition for nondegenerate synaptic connections also implies that proper stimuli can independently perturb the activities of all neurons in the same layer. One example of this type of manipulation is changing the activity of a single neuron in a given processing layer while keeping that of all others constant. Such stimulus perturbations might help experimentally isolate the interactions of selected neurons within a network.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1999) 11 (1): 75–84.
Published: 01 January 1999
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Sensory and motor variables are typically represented by a population of broadly tuned neurons. A coarser representation with broader tuning can often improve coding accuracy, but sometimes the accuracy may also improve with sharper tuning. The theoretical analysis here shows that the relationship between tuning width and accuracy depends crucially on the dimension of the encoded variable. A general rule is derived for how the Fisher information scales with the tuning width, regardless of the exact shape of the tuning function, the probability distribution of spikes, and allowing some correlated noise between neurons. These results demonstrate a universal dimensionality effect in neural population coding.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1998) 10 (2): 373–401.
Published: 15 February 1998
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Coarse codes are widely used throughout the brain to encode sensory and motor variables. Methods designed to interpret these codes, such as population vector analysis, are either inefficient (the variance of the estimate is much larger than the smallest possible variance) or biologically implausible, like maximum likelihood. Moreover, these methods attempt to compute a scalar or vector estimate of the encoded variable. Neurons are faced with a similar estimation problem. They must read out the responses of the presynaptic neurons, but, by contrast, they typically encode the variable with a further population code rather than as a scalar. We show how a nonlinear recurrent network can be used to perform estimation in a near-optimal way while keeping the estimate in a coarse code format. This work suggests that lateral connections in the cortex may be involved in cleaning up uncorrelated noise among neurons representing similar variables.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1993) 5 (4): 597–612.
Published: 01 July 1993
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We previously demonstrated that it is possible to learn position-independent responses to rotation and dilation by filtering rotations and dilations with different centers through an input layer with MT-like speed and direction tuning curves and connecting them to an MST-like layer with simple Hebbian synapses (Sereno and Sereno 1991). By analyzing an idealized version of the network with broader, sinusoidal direction-tuning and linear speed-tuning, we show analytically that a Hebb rule trained with arbitrary rotation, dilation/contraction, and translation velocity fields yields units with weight fields that are a rotation plus a dilation or contraction field, and whose responses to a rotating or dilating/contracting disk are exactly position independent. Differences between the performance of this idealized model and our original model (and real MST neurons) are discussed.