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Kiret Dhindsa
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2019) 31 (11): 2177–2211.
Published: 01 November 2019
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The brain is known to be active even when not performing any overt cognitive tasks, and often it engages in involuntary mind wandering. This resting state has been extensively characterized in terms of fMRI-derived brain networks. However, an alternate method has recently gained popularity: EEG microstate analysis. Proponents of microstates postulate that the brain discontinuously switches between four quasi-stable states defined by specific EEG scalp topologies at peaks in the global field potential (GFP). These microstates are thought to be “atoms of thought,” involved with visual, auditory, salience, and attention processing. However, this method makes some major assumptions by excluding EEG data outside the GFP peaks and then clustering the EEG scalp topologies at the GFP peaks, assuming that only one microstate is active at any given time. This study explores the evidence surrounding these assumptions by studying the temporal dynamics of microstates and its clustering space using tools from dynamical systems analysis, fractal, and chaos theory to highlight the shortcomings in microstate analysis. The results show evidence of complex and chaotic EEG dynamics outside the GFP peaks, which is being missed by microstate analysis. Furthermore, the winner-takes-all approach of only one microstate being active at a time is found to be inadequate since the dynamic EEG scalp topology does not always resemble that of the assigned microstate, and there is competition among the different microstate classes. Finally, clustering space analysis shows that the four microstates do not cluster into four distinct and separable clusters. Taken collectively, these results show that the discontinuous description of EEG microstates is inadequate when looking at nonstationary short-scale EEG dynamics.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2017) 29 (10): 2742–2768.
Published: 01 October 2017
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Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) allow users to control a device by interpreting their brain activity. For simplicity, these devices are designed to be operated by purposefully modulating specific predetermined neurophysiological signals, such as the sensorimotor rhythm. However, the ability to modulate a given neurophysiological signal is highly variable across individuals, contributing to the inconsistent performance of BCIs for different users. These differences suggest that individuals who experience poor BCI performance with one class of brain signals might have good results with another. In order to take advantage of individual abilities as they relate to BCI control, we need to move beyond the current approaches. In this letter, we explore a new BCI design aimed at a more individualized and user-focused experience, which we call open-ended BCI. Individual users were given the freedom to discover their own mental strategies as opposed to being trained to modulate a given brain signal. They then underwent multiple coadaptive training sessions with the BCI. Our first open-ended BCI performed similarly to comparable BCIs while accommodating a wider variety of mental strategies without a priori knowledge of the specific brain signals any individual might use. Post hoc analysis revealed individual differences in terms of which sensory modality yielded optimal performance. We found a large and significant effect of individual differences in background training and expertise, such as in musical training, on BCI performance. Future research should be focused on finding more generalized solutions to user training and brain state decoding methods to fully utilize the abilities of different individuals in an open-ended BCI. Accounting for each individual's areas of expertise could have important implications on BCI training and BCI application design.