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Lukáš Pospíšil
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2024) 36 (6): 1198–1227.
Published: 10 May 2024
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Small data learning problems are characterized by a significant discrepancy between the limited number of response variable observations and the large feature space dimension. In this setting, the common learning tools struggle to identify the features important for the classification task from those that bear no relevant information and cannot derive an appropriate learning rule that allows discriminating among different classes. As a potential solution to this problem, here we exploit the idea of reducing and rotating the feature space in a lower-dimensional gauge and propose the gauge-optimal approximate learning (GOAL) algorithm, which provides an analytically tractable joint solution to the dimension reduction, feature segmentation, and classification problems for small data learning problems. We prove that the optimal solution of the GOAL algorithm consists in piecewise-linear functions in the Euclidean space and that it can be approximated through a monotonically convergent algorithm that presents—under the assumption of a discrete segmentation of the feature space—a closed-form solution for each optimization substep and an overall linear iteration cost scaling. The GOAL algorithm has been compared to other state-of-the-art machine learning tools on both synthetic data and challenging real-world applications from climate science and bioinformatics (i.e., prediction of the El Niño Southern Oscillation and inference of epigenetically induced gene-activity networks from limited experimental data). The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the reported best competitors for these problems in both learning performance and computational cost.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2022) 34 (5): 1220–1255.
Published: 15 April 2022
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Classification problems in the small data regime (with small data statistic T and relatively large feature space dimension D ) impose challenges for the common machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) tools. The standard learning methods from these areas tend to show a lack of robustness when applied to data sets with significantly fewer data points than dimensions and quickly reach the overfitting bound, thus leading to poor performance beyond the training set. To tackle this issue, we propose eSPA + , a significant extension of the recently formulated entropy-optimal scalable probabilistic approximation algorithm (eSPA). Specifically, we propose to change the order of the optimization steps and replace the most computationally expensive subproblem of eSPA with its closed-form solution. We prove that with these two enhancements, eSPA + moves from the polynomial to the linear class of complexity scaling algorithms. On several small data learning benchmarks, we show that the eSPA + algorithm achieves a many-fold speed-up with respect to eSPA and even better performance results when compared to a wide array of ML and DL tools. In particular, we benchmark eSPA + against the standard eSPA and the main classes of common learning algorithms in the small data regime: various forms of support vector machines, random forests, and long short-term memory algorithms. In all the considered applications, the common learning methods and eSPA are markedly outperformed by eSPA + , which achieves significantly higher prediction accuracy with an orders-of-magnitude lower computational cost.