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Robert Haslinger
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2013) 25 (8): 1953–1993.
Published: 01 August 2013
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Although the existence of correlated spiking between neurons in a population is well known, the role such correlations play in encoding stimuli is not. We address this question by constructing pattern-based encoding models that describe how time-varying stimulus drive modulates the expression probabilities of population-wide spike patterns. The challenge is that large populations may express an astronomical number of unique patterns, and so fitting a unique encoding model for each individual pattern is not feasible. We avoid this combinatorial problem using a dimensionality-reduction approach based on regression trees. Using the insight that some patterns may, from the perspective of encoding, be statistically indistinguishable, the tree divisively clusters the observed patterns into groups whose member patterns possess similar encoding properties. These groups, corresponding to the leaves of the tree, are much smaller in number than the original patterns, and the tree itself constitutes a tractable encoding model for each pattern. Our formalism can detect an extremely weak stimulus-driven pattern structure and is based on maximizing the data likelihood, not making a priori assumptions as to how patterns should be grouped. Most important, by comparing pattern encodings with independent neuron encodings, one can determine if neurons in the population are driven independently or collectively. We demonstrate this method using multiple unit recordings from area 17 of anesthetized cat in response to a sinusoidal grating and show that pattern-based encodings are superior to those of independent neuron models. The agnostic nature of our clustering approach allows us to investigate encoding by the collective statistics that are actually present rather than those (such as pairwise) that might be presumed.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2011) 23 (6): 1452–1483.
Published: 01 June 2011
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Statistical models of neural activity are integral to modern neuroscience. Recently interest has grown in modeling the spiking activity of populations of simultaneously recorded neurons to study the effects of correlations and functional connectivity on neural information processing. However, any statistical model must be validated by an appropriate goodness-of-fit test. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests based on the time-rescaling theorem have proven to be useful for evaluating point-process-based statistical models of single-neuron spike trains. Here we discuss the extension of the time-rescaling theorem to the multivariate (neural population) case. We show that even in the presence of strong correlations between spike trains, models that neglect couplings between neurons can be erroneously passed by the univariate time-rescaling test. We present the multivariate version of the time-rescaling theorem and provide a practical step-by-step procedure for applying it to testing the sufficiency of neural population models. Using several simple analytically tractable models and more complex simulated and real data sets, we demonstrate that important features of the population activity can be detected only using the multivariate extension of the test.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2010) 22 (10): 2477–2506.
Published: 01 October 2010
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One approach for understanding the encoding of information by spike trains is to fit statistical models and then test their goodness of fit. The time-rescaling theorem provides a goodness-of-fit test consistent with the point process nature of spike trains. The interspike intervals (ISIs) are rescaled (as a function of the model's spike probability) to be independent and exponentially distributed if the model is accurate. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test between the rescaled ISIs and the exponential distribution is then used to check goodness of fit. This rescaling relies on assumptions of continuously defined time and instantaneous events. However, spikes have finite width, and statistical models of spike trains almost always discretize time into bins. Here we demonstrate that finite temporal resolution of discrete time models prevents their rescaled ISIs from being exponentially distributed. Poor goodness of fit may be erroneously indicated even if the model is exactly correct. We present two adaptations of the time-rescaling theorem to discrete time models. In the first we propose that instead of assuming the rescaled times to be exponential, the reference distribution be estimated through direct simulation by the fitted model. In the second, we prove a discrete time version of the time-rescaling theorem that analytically corrects for the effects of finite resolution. This allows us to define a rescaled time that is exponentially distributed, even at arbitrary temporal discretizations. We demonstrate the efficacy of both techniques by fitting generalized linear models to both simulated spike trains and spike trains recorded experimentally in monkey V1 cortex. Both techniques give nearly identical results, reducing the false-positive rate of the KS test and greatly increasing the reliability of model evaluation based on the time-rescaling theorem.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2010) 22 (1): 121–157.
Published: 01 January 2010
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Neurons perform computations, and convey the results of those computations through the statistical structure of their output spike trains. Here we present a practical method, grounded in the information-theoretic analysis of prediction, for inferring a minimal representation of that structure and for characterizing its complexity. Starting from spike trains, our approach finds their causal state models (CSMs), the minimal hidden Markov models or stochastic automata capable of generating statistically identical time series. We then use these CSMs to objectively quantify both the generalizable structure and the idiosyncratic randomness of the spike train. Specifically, we show that the expected algorithmic information content (the information needed to describe the spike train exactly) can be split into three parts describing (1) the time-invariant structure (complexity) of the minimal spike-generating process, which describes the spike train statistically; (2) the randomness (internal entropy rate) of the minimal spike-generating process; and (3) a residual pure noise term not described by the minimal spike-generating process. We use CSMs to approximate each of these quantities. The CSMs are inferred nonparametrically from the data, making only mild regularity assumptions, via the causal state splitting reconstruction algorithm. The methods presented here complement more traditional spike train analyses by describing not only spiking probability and spike train entropy, but also the complexity of a spike train's structure. We demonstrate our approach using both simulated spike trains and experimental data recorded in rat barrel cortex during vibrissa stimulation.